Seedling Issue, please help


Well-Known Member
Hello Growers

Growing this Mango Kush outdoors
7 gallon fabric pot. Organic grow. Soil, coco, perlite, vermicompost in ratio of 40:25:25:10.

Started 3 plants in same potting mix. Two are doing fine. One has issues with the first leaves. See attached pictures.

What is this and how can this be fixed??

Any help is appreciated!



Well-Known Member
The too big pot is the main issue,not a future prevention thought

Too much water
Too big of pot
No clue what the SOIL is, so no comment on too hot or not

Basic growing knowledge helps a lot for starting them out good. A bad start can lead to a terrible grow


Well-Known Member
The too big pot is the main issue,not a future prevention thought

Too much water
Too big of pot
No clue what the SOIL is, so no comment on too hot or not

Basic growing knowledge helps a lot for starting them out good. A bad start can lead to a terrible grow
Soil is regular soil mixed with coco, vermicompost and perlite. I dont think the soil was too hot, but could've been hot enough for this seedling. I have been watering just 15-30 ml every ither day near the roots since it is still a seedling. I seriously doubt a watering problem. My soil has excellent water drainage. Today was the first time that I actually drenched the soil completely resulting in a runoff, in 10 days since starting this seed, so that the bottom soil gets moist. I have 23 plants growing, yes 23 between organic and hydro and nonother has any major issues. These hydros will be transplanted to 5 gallon buckets in a day or two.

The ones in fabric pots have organic grow with some pots having 2 plants (those are reg seeds so male will be removed), i know this is a bad practice but just wanted to try doing this.



Well-Known Member

You know what it is then.....

It's not over water
It's just dirt, not soil with nutes

Then why are u asking for help

I'm cornfused


Well-Known Member

You know what it is then.....

It's not over water
It's just dirt, not soil with nutes

Then why are u asking for help

I'm cornfused
I am just making sure. I assumed this to be nute burn, was just confirming that I am not wrong in the diagnosis. I was just not fully satisfied by your answer though it is correct on a general note. I did not fully agree cos I have 20 plants that I raised the same way and not a single one had an issue. I am correct in my watering so the big pot size doesn't really matter here. Did not want a wrong diagnosis and I would rather ask than assume.

It's definitely soil picked up from an Organic grower. Regular soil basically means it's not branded. It is definitely living soil bro, not mud or dirt.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
you dont want to be watering to run off allready you'll wash all the nutes out of the soil, but this is the problem with such large a ppot when starting. you want to water around it but you dnt need to water the whole lot to run off, thats if you in fact did water the whole pot to run off, this may not be the case, i only mention it to get a better picture.
its a learning curve, next time start with solo cups or 6" pots, then after you have a plant growing move it to a larger pot like 3 gallon then repot on to the final pot. that works best for me. i assumed they were autos even though you never mentioned it as its said to plant in finasl pot from the start. this again is not the case, you can do the same method with autos. in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
you dont want to be watering to run off allready you'll wash all the nutes out of the soil, but this is the problem with such large a ppot when starting. you want to water around it but you dnt need to water the whole lot to run off, thats if you in fact did water the whole pot to run off, this may not be the case, i only mention it to get a better picture.
its a learning curve, next time start with solo cups or 6" pots, then after you have a plant growing move it to a larger pot like 3 gallon then repot on to the final pot. that works best for me. i assumed they were autos even though you never mentioned it as its said to plant in finasl pot from the start. this again is not the case, you can do the same method with autos. in my opinion.
Agreed, thats why I only watered off today since I saw the nute burn. Just did a 10%-15% runoff.
I will be doing just as suggested since this way I can just plant my females in bigger pots.

Question: can you put a plant on 12:12 light schedule just to identify the sex and then put it back at 18:6 schedule after knowing the sex???


Well-Known Member
Agreed, thats why I only watered off today since I saw the nute burn. Just did a 10%-15% runoff.
I will be doing just as suggested since this way I can just plant my females in bigger pots.

Question: can you put a plant on 12:12 light schedule just to identify the sex and then put it back at 18:6 schedule after knowing the sex???

Yeah, you can do that, but the plant or a cutting from a plant has to be mature enough to even show you its sex. Yeah, some plants will throw pre-flowers after a certain age, 4 to 7 weeks, and then there are some that won't even throw pre-flowers until they are forced to flower using longer dark hours that are below their internal flowering clock!

go go kid

Well-Known Member
JUST as pirateking says above, great info. i have a plant thats 3 monthes old plus and still no sgn of sex, but she looks like a female, everytime i get a preflower spot, another branch starts to grow, i hope she flowers at the end, shes going to be dense with bud when she does