seedling is tall and thin and small i think


Active Member
its about 2 and a half weeks to 3 weeks old and i think its small and yellow for its age, leaves and all. and i dont think the first set of pot leaves are getting any bigger.

im under one cfl indoors mostly, but outside when the weather is nice

i have no idea about the soil, i just got it from a neighbor

anyone got any ideas or advice?




if u add a few more cfls then that little plant will be a lot happier


ya more light try moving them closer to keep them about 3 inches from tha plant maybe some nutrients also to get rid of the yellowing


Well-Known Member
if its three weeks and starting to yellow i would give it some nutes. try something higher in nitrogen its good for veg but only use 25% of whats recommended and slowly move up from there if you need. like the others said more lights too and get the lights as close as you can to avoid stretching. happy growing


Active Member
I would go get some Alaskan Fish Emulsion (5-1-1) and do a light dose of that.

What are you using as water? I mix spring and distilled together to get it perfect for me at 6.5. You need to make sure you can test your pH or you may never see growth.