Seedling in need of help


Well-Known Member
Please help my baby it's a skywalker OG seed that is having a problem, look at the picture and tell me what to do. Should I wait? I been misting to soften the shell is this common?



Well-Known Member
Found a seed in a bag of skywalker OG kush , very rare, first one I've ever gotten from this dispensary and this is their top shelf. When I told them they were surprised and said nobody else found seeds.


Well-Known Member
it seems very fragile I don't want to kill it I doubt I can get another from this place they don't sell clones is their another way?


Well-Known Member
The soil looks dry I'd water the soil every 4 days, keep it under light and it should be OK. If not I'd venture to say you've got the proverbial bad seed, it happens.


Well-Known Member
OK guys I just had a small operation and removed the seed. I used 2 toothpicks to gentealy remove the seed shell, but it doesn't have any leafs inside it just a weird head thing under it that's green with a bit of brown on it....I only seen this 1 other time and the seedling died :(


Active Member
well i would say the best thing in my mind would be to just leave it alone but it's too late for that :)
that weird brain looking thing is the cotyledon it is the plant equivalent to an egg yoke a supply of starch and nutrients for the seedling to live off of while it establishes a root system (that is why it is recommended to start seeds in a clean medium)
give it some indirect light for a few days it should start to veg
unless you damaged it... i tried what you did once and ended up decapitating it :(
good luck


Active Member
There is no problem. They're plants dude, they grow in the wild all by themselves. What you think there's people running all around pulling the hats off hahahaha? No, it's mother nature, the bitch knows what she's doing.


Well-Known Member
oh fuck you gotta just rip it out and restart you got mad problems it's not supposed to be doing that


Well-Known Member
You just took the shell off. There is still a film holding it together. Mist the head with water and after a minute or two just peel the ''skin'' off. Start at the base and peel towards the tip. It'll probably die if you don't. That one needs help. Yeah it's nature but only the strong survive. A plant in the wild drops what a 1000 seeds but how many make it, 5?


Well-Known Member
You just took the shell off. There is still a film holding it together. Mist the head with water and after a minute or two just peel the ''skin'' off. Start at the base and peel towards the tip. It'll probably die if you don't. That one needs help. Yeah it's nature but only the strong survive. A plant in the wild drops what a 1000 seeds but how many make it, 5?

Great advice, I just noticed I had not done this, I just did and there was a leaf under the brown, the other side of the leaf was gimp and didn't form right.


Well-Known Member
Good deal. As long as the cotyledons are unstuck your off to the races now. That was a lovely score finding a seed in that bud like that. GL