Seedling, help needed!


New Member
1st go at a grow setup: 3m x 1.5m tent, 600w digital HP's dual spectrum, growing in coco coir.

Fucked up putting lights to close at 600w, babies are a right mess, reduced lights to 250w increased distance from lights to just under 3ft, watering with a cheap bottled water. 21 days have passed stunted growth?

(Pots are probably too big also)
SeedScreenshot_20190502-115801.png s are white widow feminized from Herbie's online, shall I throw away and start again or kill myself?



Well-Known Member
I th8nk she will bounce back. Pots too big but she will grow into it. There's a fine line when it comes to light distance. Too close and it bleachers too far and it doesn't grow.
Do you have an air cooled hood and ventilation?
I would probably put the light about 16 to 18 inches from the plant. But that depends on your ventilation and temps as well.
What's the soil? It could be too rich in nutrients for the seedlinfg


Well-Known Member
1st go at a grow setup: 3m x 1.5m tent, 600w digital HP's dual spectrum, growing in coco coir.

Fucked up putting lights to close at 600w, babies are a right mess, reduced lights to 250w increased distance from lights to just under 3ft, watering with a cheap bottled water. 21 days have passed stunted growth?

(Pots are probably too big also)
SeedView attachment 4326837 s are white widow feminized from Herbie's online, shall I throw away and start again or kill myself?
Don’t toss it. Don’t overwater it and keep air moving around it. Feed it too. Good on ya for going big on the light. It will pay off.

Midnight Warrior

Well-Known Member
1st go at a grow setup: 3m x 1.5m tent, 600w digital HP's dual spectrum, growing in coco coir.

Fucked up putting lights to close at 600w, babies are a right mess, reduced lights to 250w increased distance from lights to just under 3ft, watering with a cheap bottled water. 21 days have passed stunted growth?

(Pots are probably too big also)
SeedView attachment 4326837 s are white widow feminized from Herbie's online, shall I throw away and start again or kill myself?
While you still can I would re-pot it and add some perlite. It looks either hungry or overwatered, hard to tell the condition of the soil. Definitely fix the drainage though.


New Member
Cheers all, the helps much appreciated will purchase some perlite, they are in coco, I have an oscillating fan blowing in tent and extraction with filter, have another fan outside blowing through a port if needed and a humidifier