Seedling growth using natural light question


Well-Known Member
I used the paper towel method and have transplanted the feminized seeds with tap roots into a small plastic dome for about a week. They grew out six inches before dropping their shells. I'd say it's been ten days now. I transplanted them into beer cups with more potting mix. Now I am seeing the green bit at the end open up exposing what will become the first set of leaves. So this is where I am at now. I've placed them in a room in front of a window with natural light coming in. I'm in the southern hemisphere so it about a month away from summer starting. Going to be planting these outdoors eventually. I was just wondering how long this process is going to take before I actually have a multi branched plant that I will feel safe planting outside. I say that because I know that slugs and snails will pounce on little seedlings if they're not big enough. Any ideas how much longer this process will take me before I can take them outside? Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Can't keep them under any kind of light that is artificial. Out of funds. The light outside starts at 5am now and sets at around 8pm where I am. When you guys say cfl, do you mean a regular light source that you have in any given room in your house?


Well-Known Member search philips tornado e27, if you have to. pocket a bulb from the supermarket :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
so would the idea be to get some kind of a bedside lamp and plug a cfl into it for growing? If so, then that wouldn't cost to much would it? I can go to the big hardware store tomorrow.


It's best to grow with CLF light bulbs. Growing outside, you're at the mercy of Mother Nature (weather, pests; etc). An inside grow does cost but it's worth it.


Well-Known Member
6"high before they lost the hull - best transplant and shore the dirt all the way up that skinny stem before it falls over.


Well-Known Member
They already fell over. They looked like a bowel of spagetti running all amongst themselves. I replanted them all in bigger beer cups and the first set of leaves are only just showing now. I now understand what stretching means when you're talking about seedlings stretching. :-)


Well-Known Member
Same job for me today. Here's a Pineapple Chunk, stretched yesterday, I'm going to pot her up later and put her into the veg tent. Stretching doesn't have to be a big deal, and I like to keep an eye on them until they sprout, so it's the workbench/window for me :bigjoint:
PineappleChunk.jpg PineappleChunk.jpg


Seedling stretching is awesome. I accidentally stretched my strawberry Kush. In fear of it stretching too much, I got more lights. Now that's she's in flowering, she is the biggest and fastest growing among her peers.

