seedling got burned 2 weeks now. shud i nute?


Well-Known Member
I gave a 12 day old seedling in rw a joke dose of nutes. Gh 3 part seedling mixture at a quarter strength of what was recomended. It got burned. Pretty bad. The leaves are browned halfwa through.

It is now 20 days since showed roots so maybe 25 days old. Should I give more. It is starting to look a little tired.

In fact she is barley growing as I go over these numbers.


Well-Known Member
i am gonna get some but I gotta wait as It is chritmas and I got company coming but I am on it. I get slow growth for the frst few weeks of a seeds growth anyway but then good things later. This one only has 2 leaves though. Ow as I look at the numbers. Lol, i kinds embarssed to post but I will.


Well-Known Member
now i said a few weeks but how true is that lol. Because it is a few weeks since sprout not real growth. I mean everybodys is this lame after a few weeks right. Lol never looked like this before.

In fact be nice about the few weeeks thing. I might be way off i got gilrs in flower I was worried about. ty

think the brown wil go awaym will she be ok?



Well-Known Member
lol dont even bother. the brown i predict will stay. the growth coming will be green but stunted. She will be ok after many months. Sigh. a joke dose of nutes. seedling nutes. hydro companies are liars.