Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
It just bent, go ahead and use a popsicle stick and some medical tape to support it till it's better. Wish you had some pics. A stretched plant CAN be buried up to the bottom set of leaves, no problem, I've personally done that before. If you're worried about fungus, water with a capful or two of peroxide per gallon of water. It discourages fungus, and gives a little oxygen boost to the roots. The cfls could potentially burn the plant if they were touching it all day, I did that with my very first grow. But you should be able to get them a couple of inches away no problem. Also, a fan is great, but are you turning the plant so it's not just getting blown one way? I turned mine all the time because it would begin to lean away from the fan. The back and forth will strengthen the stem. The rule of thumb for heat is, if you can place your hand the exact distance from the light you want your plant to be for 30 seconds and it doesn't burn, your plant will be fine. I always start seedlings of any kind with a pinch of cinnamon on the soil; it has natural antifungal properties.