Seedling Dying. Help!

Whatsup people of rollitup. I'd like to start out by saying, while this is my first post, I've been researching a lot using rollitup. It's been very good to me so far, however, Noe I have a specific problem and I need expert help. Started out with 4 pure power plant seeds. I put them in water for 2 hours and than in a sealed plate surrounded by damp towels until they germinated. After they started sprouting roots, I placed them each in a started pot (about 3 inches square) with a mix of top soil, mg potting soil, and styrafoam to keep the medium airy. After 2 days, each of the 4 seeds had become seedlings an sprouted above the soil with their cotyledons. No nutrients yet, just tap water that's been sitting out for days. I have them in. 2x 1x1 box for now under 3 23w, 6500k cfls and 1 27w, 6500k . 2 pc fans placed at the middle and top of the box provide ventilation, with 2 equally sized passive air intake holes. The lights sit about 3-4 inches away from any of the plants with one cfl on the side to prevent stretching. I water when 2 inches down into the soil is dry (every other day or less) until I drains out the bottom holes. Everything was going fine when all of a sudden, one by one, the seedlings started wilting and and the stems settee giving way and drooping the seedling. There is now 2 shriveled up seedlings in the box and one healthy looking seedling who hasn't grown any in the passed week. Heats not an issue, closeness of lightsto plants isn't either. I try hard to water them correctly. I've propped up the two failing seedlings with wire in hopes that they can make a comeback. I don't have a ph tester... Could this be the problem?


Well-Known Member
Get them out of humidity box for start. Also now they have leaves dont water till pots light to lift, they dont need that much watering now only thru germination.
Your seedlings colapsed due to excessive high humidity in the box and on top of that your overwatering.


Active Member
Your soil is too hot (too much nutrients). MG isn't very good for young plants, even at 4-6 weeks I had problems and never used it again. MG gave me huge PH problems and insects too. I don't trust my tap water so I use distilled. People do too much to seedlings... FFOF, distilled water, and a little patience work just fine.

Other than that, your build sounds nice.


Well-Known Member
First it was really hard to read your post , it hurt my eyes some

next time spread it out a little through paragraphs or something to where it does not look all bunched up like that ,

people on here tend to not bother reading post like these

but your cool my man , im just letting you know for future reference

OK their are a couple of things i notice in your post

one they do not need to be in a dome

I water when 2 inches down into the soil is dry (every other day or less) until I drains out the bottom holes.
That is pretty much your main problem , You are over watering them , drowning them , and very high humidity under that dome that's why their wilting on you like that and dropping

you only need to water like maybe every 3 to 4 days , when your soil gets dry , then you water them , then wait a few days for it to dry up some again , ok

Another problem ,

2 pc fans placed at the middle and top of the box provide ventilation, with 2 equally sized passive air intake hole
you have all this intake but you have no exhaust ,

when it comes to venting your cab you want MORE EXHAUST then intake , you need more air going out then what is going in

between your 2 intake fans if one is stronger then the other use the stronger one for exhaust and the weaker one for intake

if their the same strength same cfl ( air flow ) then i would just use them both for exhaust


Well-Known Member
i don't think you're overwatering. two inches deep dry is good imo. but you definitely don't need and never did need a humidity box, this is not good. you forgot to say how old your seedlings are and what their size is. it could be that they have outgrown their containers, this happens a lot and for some reason causes most problems with mg soil.

post pics, also.


Well-Known Member
i don't think you're overwatering. two inches deep dry is good imo. but you definitely don't need and never did need a humidity box, this is not good. you forgot to say how old your seedlings are and what their size is. it could be that they have outgrown their containers, this happens a lot and for some reason causes most problems with mg soil.

post pics, also.
he said that he waters every other day and sometimes less , which means he waters everyday sometimes

and he said he waters till it comes out the drain holes

(every other day or less) until I drains out the bottom holes
you still dont think hes over watering ?


Well-Known Member
he said that he waters every other day and sometimes less , which means he waters everyday sometimes
he also said that the soil is dry. it could be a very dry environment, a thirsty plant and a small pot.

and he said he waters till it comes out the drain holes

you still dont think hes over watering ?
of course not. everybody waters till water runs off from the bottom, including your humble servant.


Well-Known Member
I keep my fluros almost touching my seedlings to prevent stretch. There is no heat from the fluro (as long as it a CFL) so dont fear on burning them.

Also I plant mine down low in the cup so that I can add soil after they pop out. I like to keep the soil up close to the cotyldens as this helps support the young things untll they gain stem strength.

As far as water goes, less is more at this point...just dont let the soil dry out for more than a day or two. You want the tap root to grow out looking for water. If you keep them wet the tap root dosnt have to search for water and wont grow properly, which leads to stability problems... The stem cant support the weight...they start to droop and gravity takes over and pinches off the stem preventing circulation from reaching the leaves from the roots.

Sorry about the death of your others, but perhaps its not too late to save the ones you have left. We all make mistakes the first few times and that is normal. Next time grow out one or two at a time untill you get past the seedling surve. After the first month they practicly grow themselves.

Best of luck on the ones you have left.


Well-Known Member
After 2 days, each of the 4 seeds had become seedlings an sprouted above the soil with their cotyledons. No nutrients yet, just tap water that's been sitting out for days.
Come on my man

he is watering them just about every day

and his seedlings are only about a week old
Thank you all for the quick responses!

I will definitely start to write in paragraphs to make it easier to read.

The humidity dome is out of the picture now. To clarify, and correct myself, the two pc fans are exhaust* each about 50cfm .

I definitely have the problem of tryin to do too much as I'm an inpatientan. Overwatering may have been the problem.

As for the MG, there is a very tiny amount in the medium mix. Next time, I wont use it. I knew that it wasn't the best from the start but I thought it needed a lil nutrient so I topped off the pot with a little bit of MG.

The seedlings were about an inch or two above the soil, with their first set of true leaves showing and their second set, just visible. I will try and upload pictures but am not sure how do so with an iPhone. As soon as I figure it out, I will post pictures.

Thnk you again!!!


Well-Known Member
two blind people arguing about what they see is all we have here :P
Im not arguing with you my man

everythings cool

were just both giving our opinions ,

but we cant really debate over what we see cuz the o.p did not post any pics lol ( which would help )

hell at least were not sitting here cussing each other out like some other people do on here :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the quick responses!

I will definitely start to write in paragraphs to make it easier to read.

The humidity dome is out of the picture now. To clarify, and correct myself, the two pc fans are exhaust* each about 50cfm .

I definitely have the problem of tryin to do too much as I'm an inpatientan. Overwatering may have been the problem.

As for the MG, there is a very tiny amount in the medium mix. Next time, I wont use it. I knew that it wasn't the best from the start but I thought it needed a lil nutrient so I topped off the pot with a little bit of MG.

The seedlings were about an inch or two above the soil, with their first set of true leaves showing and their second set, just visible. I will try and upload pictures but am not sure how do so with an iPhone. As soon as I figure it out, I will post pictures.

Thnk you again!!!
I get impatient sometimes also lol

but patients is a crucial aspect in growing

and m.g is not so bad if you just use it right ( i use it myself )

just keep reading and your knowledge will expand ,

keep it green my man


Well-Known Member
Im not arguing with you my man

everythings cool

were just both giving our opinions ,

but we cant really debate over what we see cuz the o.p did not post any pics lol ( which would help )

hell at least were not sitting here cussing each other out like some other people do on here :peace:
and posting 54389 pics of our different grows in the same post to show who's boss :)

yeah that's what i meant, it is cool indeed. and also another guy said something true about getting the roots to go a bit deeper in search of water. is this what you meant about not watering all the way (i.e till runoff)? cuz i wonder about that, or do you mean that normally you don't water the soil until runoff? I never heard of a grower not do that but i'm always open for new ideas.


Well-Known Member
Before i saw you two discussing the mater i would have said overwatering, i take my seedlings out of the humidity dome when they show their cotyledons but that may be too early for some. Two inches dry in soil is nothing to me really, goes on the lightness of the pot, unless he has got it in two inch pots!lol! The seedling wilting and collapsing says overwatering to me but i am wrong on a regular basis so would be no definitive guide. When i have seedlings i just water the soil around the seedling and not the whole pot.


Well-Known Member
i guess you two are probably right. I was thinking more of regular plant when I said that and didn't have in mind we were talking about young seedlings.
you guys are goof balls how could you not know he was talking about seedlings ^^ thats the name of the thread lol i freaking love stoners X)
you guys are goof balls how could...
yeah i said goof balls what of it motha FUCKA :P best of luck to your other plants you seem like you have a general idea of what your doing... you have the know how just not the XP which you have just gained a bit of that by figuring out your mistake ^^ dont think of this as a loss because if you want... you can clone the ones left and double your # of plants if you can sustain them... or just clone enough to get your original amount back... allllz ya need is some root growth hormone and some more soil and you can prove to everyone here your not a goof ball... like a couple people who replied now need to do ^^

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Without pics I cannot say for sure, but the wilting and then falling over raises a question for me. Are the seedling stems kinda shriveling up and turning black at the base before they fall over? If so, could be damping off fungus.