Seedling advice for 1st timer

monty Python

Active Member
Hi there all, like i say , 1st attempet here.

Il try keep this short but with as much info as poss.

I germed seeds on fri using the paper towel method, when the taproot was about 6mm i planted into soil {bio bizz all mix}

Taped cling film over the pots. started a 18/6 light regime. late sat night it started to spout. Temps within the tent seemed to be ok, min 74 f max 83 f, i cant tell what the humidity was in the pots, as theyre only 4 inch & cant fit my hygro in, but it looked pretty wet in there.

4 oc in the morning today i checked it before i went to work, the stem had almost reached the clingfilm, so i removed it & put the light a little closer.

Using a 250w mh & im in a dr60, light has been about 2 1/2 foot from the pots since i started. Should i be removing the clingfilm, moving the light closer & getting some air movement on it ?

I now know ideally i should be using a floro on seedlings, but my wallet is empty for a little while now lol

As we speak its just over halfway of it 3rd day at 18/6 & still hasnt opend up, still has the casing on it.

Heres a pic, took not long ago.....

Had to link it, couldnt my pic to upload directly coz of the size.

How does it look guys ? Does it look normal/healthy ? Its a GHs lemon skunk.

Apologies if iv left out any important info, im just home from a nightshift, in need of sleep, but if it looks like iv fucked up the so far, i wanna try fix any probs i may have caused it asap.

Or should i just relax & let it do its thing ? I just wanna know if that little sprout looks like it should to put my mind at rest?

Thanks. Hope yous can help me out with any advice on the little one


Well-Known Member
Has soon has the seedlings show them selfs take away the clingfilm or you may get all kinds of problems.I personaly put my seedlings under a 250 hps light has soon has the first set of true leaves appear.But make sure that you check on them twice daily because seedlings can dry out fast under more intence lighting.Also start giveing them some feed but just a small ammout untill they become a little more hardy.Keep a close check on the temps too you realy are looking for temps from 28/30 any higher than 30 can cause problems and stunt growth.

monty Python

Active Member
Has soon has the seedlings show them selfs take away the clingfilm or you may get all kinds of problems.I personaly put my seedlings under a 250 hps light has soon has the first set of true leaves appear.But make sure that you check on them twice daily because seedlings can dry out fast under more intence lighting.Also start giveing them some feed but just a small ammout untill they become a little more hardy.Keep a close check on the temps too you realy are looking for temps from 28/30 any higher than 30 can cause problems and stunt growth.

Thanks m8, im gonna remove the dome & keep a close eye on them for now.

Although i have no humididty in the tent ? #

How much humidity do seedlings need around them ?
hey man from what i´ve read seedlings don´t need high levels of humidity. CLones do..they need close to 100%.

i have 7-day old seedlings (nirvana TOP 44 and mystery seeds) and i´ve been looking un info day and night (my first grow in about 10 years lol)

good luck and hope we can help each other. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
.Also start giveing them some feed but just a small ammout untill they become a little more hardy.
No! You might kill those babies by giving them nutes or food too young! Feeding at this age is VERY tricky business! Your seedlings are way too young for any kind of nutients. Your soil alone will sustain them for a while.

Start whatever feeding schedule you want for them, in 3 or 4 weeks. If you need reassurance that plants do fine with no nutes, than click the link in my signature(Subtles 830W .....) and look at my current grow. I've got 4 ladies vegging under a 430W Son Agro. They are 5 weeks old, and have never tasted nutes. Chemical or organic. They're about to get their first shot of organics this weekend.

Your doing fine by your ladies. you might want to go ahead and remove the covers from the pots. They'll be fine with current humidity levels. Foliar feed them water every night, AFTER your lights have turned off.

From what you've said, the only advice I can give you is, when you flip the photoperiod on those girls and start them budding, you may want a more intense light. Maybe a 400W or 600W HPS, in unison with your current lights.

For now your good, dude.
Good luck!!!bongsmilie

monty Python

Active Member
Hi there. Thanks for the help guys. Ive removed my dome the other day & the LS seem to be doin ok, as in, its not dead lol.

But havnt noticed much growth at all.

Should i be concerned ? The leaves are looking a bit shriveld up ?

... a few pics...



Foliar feed them water every night
hmm, this foliar thing is new to me m8. Il read up on it though. Thanks.

& Il be sure to check out your grow subtlechaos.

when you flip the photoperiod on those girls and start them budding, you may want a more intense light. Maybe a 400W or 600W HPS, in unison with your current lights.

I have a 250w son T + light for flowering m8. & my reflecter only accomodates one bulb at a time. i think 250w is the highest i can go within a dr60.

good luck and hope we can help each other

Thanks m8. Yeah that would be cool m8. Wish you all the luck too.:leaf:


dont worry m8, that seedling looks fine. the ¨shriveled¨ leaves are the first set of true leaves and they will have serrated edges (just like a big fan leaf). you won´t see too much growth during the next 24-36 hours because the seedling is busy growing roots.

my babies are doing good, day 8 and all of them have their second set of leaves! peace