Seed will not pop

Oh I get starting plants indoors. I do that with tomatoes, peppers, etc... Just never heard of anyone using paper towels with vegetable seeds.

Thought I would give it a shot a few years ago. Thought "If it works for weed seeds, I wonder if it'll work for veggies and maybe I can get an early start?". Also keeps me from getting bored and into trouble ;-)
It has been four days, seed will not pop a tap root.

My method that has worked in the past;

-place seed in glass of water until it sinks

-once it sinks, remove and do the damp paper towel covered plate method

-usually tap root sticks out within 36-48 hours and then I plant

Any tips/tricks? I have more seeds, I just don’t want to waste this one.
It may just be a dud.... but I would skip the water step and just go to paper towels. It's possible your drowning them immediately with no oxygen.

I would start again at this point
soak seeds for 8-12 hours, plant in moist soil 1/4” deep whichever way as gravity will do the rest, cover solo cup with saran wrap and put on top of cable box or under a light, don’t take plastic off until sprout ...simple, faster and 100% effective
This is day six since the first put in napkins. One sprouted a day ahead of the other. Both put in the pre moistened starter pots on the second day and put under a 50w FS LED light 24/7. Once up out of the dirt, the time went down to 20/4.

The first , bigger one is already rooting into the paper towel that lines the tray. Time for the big pot for it. Only well water so far and keeping the paper towel that lines the tray soaked. That rooted one already rooted in the napkin and left about an inch of new root there when I picked it up. :(

OK GP day 6.jpg
OK day 6.jpg
OK GP under light.jpg
She finally popped. Damp paper towel in a plastic baggie.

Let the good times grow.
I use the same method as you , 100% germ rate , however odd occasion the odd one don’t pop, temp and moisture levels are important, i also say the fresher the seed the quicker it show s , I tried an old seed once about 6 months old and nothing
Planting can take up to 2 weeks to get a sprout soaking paper towel then planting tap takes 4 to 5 days. There's to need for that method but it's nice cutting that sprout time in half. I've done both ways, it's getting out of season I'd just try another seed. If it's in season and seed won't pop I'll throw them in an outside planter and keep moist, sometimes you get a surprise. I prefer the 24 hr soak to soften the seed casing. Then I'll put seed in a folded up moist paper towel. Then I'll put paper towel in a misted ziplock back I'll seal the bag and throw it on a spare bedroom closet.
2 weeks ? 3 to 5 days max ! I think people just plant too deep.
I use the same method as you , 100% germ rate , however odd occasion the odd one don’t pop, temp and moisture levels are important, i also say the fresher the seed the quicker it show s , I tried an old seed once about 6 months old and nothing

I knew I couldn’t be the only one using this method. I also have had a 100% germ rate. This one almost got thrown out, I’m glad I didn’t.
Here's a Granddaddy Purple ready to go into the big pot. I will bury this up to a 1/2" of the seed leaves. Then it roots all down the elongated stem. Much slower sprouting/growing than it's Orange Kush sister.GD Purple in starter pot.jpgGD Purple in starter pot.jpg
Solo cups with coco coir is the best way, even if you're gona grow in soil, starting the seeds in coco is easier than doing so in soil. Baggie dome until it pops. Pull the baggie off once a day just to exchange the air for a second & put back on. Grow in the cup for 3 to 4 weeks, then transplant into whatever.
I potted my other sprout 2 days ago, GrandDaddy Purple. It never rooted out but I had the paper towel wet all the time. Giving them a tablespoon of Corkscrew willow tea every day....