Seed Staring Help!!


Active Member
okay so i been germinating some seeds and they just split and the white tail is coming out. do you think tranferring them into potting soil be good for them? im growing in soil but i have heard that soil less mixtures are the best. the soil is all organic with no fertilizers


Active Member
it seems like the soil is heavy. im using some miracle grow soil and it seems to have a lot of bark. im just scared that the seed wont be strong eneogh to push its way through


Well-Known Member
okay so i been germinating some seeds and they just split and the white tail is coming out. do you think tranferring them into potting soil be good for them? im growing in soil but i have heard that soil less mixtures are the best. the soil is all organic with no fertilizers
Personally, This is how I do it :)

I plant the seed in soil, slightly water with a sprayer til the soil is moist. Wait about 3-7 days.. done deal. Simple :)


Well-Known Member
it seems like the soil is heavy. im using some miracle grow soil and it seems to have a lot of bark. im just scared that the seed wont be strong eneogh to push its way through
I assume you are using MG organic from your 1st post
I have used it befor & found alot of heavy bark in it.I run it through some screen mesh w/ 1/4 inch holes to catch all the big stuff & mix in about 1 part perlite to 3 parts soil to aid in drainage-adding dolimite lime is good to keep your PH balanced as well.


hmm careful with Miracle gro though well does the miracle gro have yellow beads in it?? if so those are prenutes dont overwater or they'll get nute burn i learned the hardway ._.


Active Member
yea i dont plan on keeping that soil mix. i just want to get my babies started. i did plant on adding dolomite lime bat guano, worm castings, bone meal, and some blood meal once they wen through a couple weeks of veg state. im just on a budjet right now and just got a new job and been a broke ass joke lol. any other suggestions? do you think ill be able to start them in the miracle grow organic soil?