Seed refuses to end its role?


So i recently ordered some blackjack seeds, i planted 10, had 7 sprout up like champs on the third day.

But one of those seven, the seed didn't fall apart. And now Iv'e got like a 3 inch or so green stem, leading to a seed.. and yea, no leafs....

Can i break away the seed, and hope the leaves are there and waiting?

or do i keep him the way he is, as my retarded little friend and cheer him along his every failing moment?

Any input is appreciated,



Active Member
So i recently ordered some blackjack seeds, i planted 10, had 7 sprout up like champs on the third day.

But one of those seven, the seed didn't fall apart. And now Iv'e got like a 3 inch or so green stem, leading to a seed.. and yea, no leafs....

Can i break away the seed, and hope the leaves are there and waiting?

or do i keep him the way he is, as my retarded little friend and cheer him along his every failing moment?

Any input is appreciated,

This has happened to me, it should fall off any time now.
I said should...
When it happens to mine from time to time, it looks like little helmets.
Which is funny because you said "your retarded little friend".
If you see it sporting a drool bucket then you should start to worry.


Well-Known Member
Maybe its too dry? Try misting it (gently) with water, sometimes that works with the stubborn ones.


Active Member
If after a few days it doesn't look like it'll come off on its own try to gently open it up and slide it off.


Well-Known Member
I agree with this... if allowed to dry to the cotyledon leaf, the embryo liquids can act like a glue. Keep misting it and it'll fall off. If it is preventing the cotyledons from opening, you may have assist the plant of shedding the husk.

Maybe its too dry? Try misting it (gently) with water, sometimes that works with the stubborn ones.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I am new to growing and one of my seedling did this very same thing. I pulled off the husk but the plant did not survive, after about 5 or 6 days it wasn't improving, so I yanked it.