natural top or fim? well as natural as a tard


ok so i know fim is same as top but fuck you missed 10% of the top node and it gives irregular results read and familiar with UB's topping so the 2 -4 -6 all makes sense and theoretically could pull these off if i preferred to but never have done a top or fim this i was going to go for my first attempt this grow around so i did a bunch of research not just throwing this out. and this is my new situation which kind of excites me in a green thumb way.

i popped 6 beans at the same time with 2 autos that will set the veg pace aka when they get the chop i flip the 6 main to flower just a thing i like to do dont love the auto but love trying stuff so i give feebies a pop once in a while... anyway one of my 6 main experienced a fitmrbabaft 'fuck i tore my root ball apart being a fuck tard' fuck tard may be one word or hyphenated either way the t gets a letter. well needless to say the seedling was shocked i didnt use my standby solo cup and used those stupid store bought trays for like garden sprouts/germs 2x3 plastic cups attached to each other. well ive either lost alot more mobility being sick than ive realized or im a retard but those things are too small and it is hard to pop your guys out one by one safely without them falling apart and being a mess. meant for a 4 cent pumpkin seed not a 20 dollar bean so i will stick with solo cups for babies from now on as a lesson.

now why all that, well the result of the stress was it stopped growth for about a week the ends of the first two baby leaves yellowed and burnt, the cotyledons yellowed and curled but they hung on even when the first leaves shriveled and i thought died, i would have thrown it out had it not been a c99 ive been wanting to do for a long time and the cotyledons were still yellow and attached i thought it had a shot, i nursed it flushed it got it good again and well its grown out now and in the center are four perfect one blade finger length leaves that point almost straight up and form a cup this is not a bud site and im not a real tard so i know they are mature leaves ill take a pic tomorrow morning.. under the four leaves are two nodes or main branches or stems or stalks or mainline w/e but there is no growth in the center top of the plant only those two off-shoots.

well im gonna finish this i dont think the stress from seedling will alter or affect its general health enough that it will hermie on me later in the grow all new growth and all old growth is now green or has turned back green even the baby leaves, it is now growing fast and very well. it looks like just two little identical branches under these four leaves. its become my underdog favorite now and renamed 'four leaf clover99' for personal reasons not selling or stepping on someones product just a baby with a name lol but it is funny that this was the one that was destined for my first attempt of a top/fim w/e the result of my work had been but now it seems it was done for me as ive heard and read this plant does well with multiple tops.

so is this gonna work, anyone had anything like this happen? it was literally two cotyledons and barely visible adult leaves at transfer time i realize it was early for the xfer but it was behind so it went with the rest, actually glad it happened will never toss a hurt baby again you may end up with a nicely topped plant. ok questions i dont think anyone has ever topped the first two leaves that appear? so i dont know if this will gain any height or if those two branches/nodes will reach up and resemble a regular plant ive seen the mainline and topped and they do it for height reasons or it was why it was developed so can i get this one to be a two trunk tree like a pine in the forest that got nibbled or cut off im assuming at the seedling stage now lol and has two trunks or if i should expect a dwarf that will never gain any height i would love two stalks full of side nodes and two colas on the top but if it is just two colas i will still take it haha. im just not sure what effect those four leaves that should be dead will have like have they replaced the upward growth hormone since they were not removed or has that now been dispersed to the lower nodes or stalks now and i will get that vert tree love or the a horizontal shrub.

i just dont wanna sit on it for an extra month expecting a monster and only have like a bud site that stays two leaves and a cola or if it will just keep going up and out i realize pics are worth a thousand words so i will have to take pics with tablet and post from there my new mobo and windows dont get along yet and usb ports dont fire for hdds or any storage devices memory cards weird but working on that so they will be grainy but will get them here. any feedback.. positive.. whoa almost set myself up.. would be awesome and appreciated trying to bait UB in here lol he may get on some ppl but he knows his tops the top sticky thread became unreadable tho so hope i will get someone who knows what they are saying to chime in on this thread. also to 'flamer' i lover mentally disabled people and worked human services for 3 years so i respect and love the mentally ill but damn it i can be a tard.
take care happy growing sorry these always get long,