Seed recommendations for a beginner grower?

Im looking for a plant that is somewhat easy to grow, and has a pretty high yield yet hits hard. It doesnt really matter what kind of high it is as long as its a hard hitter and price also doesnt matter, Id prefer to order from attitude as they offer some extra stealth options.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend Cheddarwurst2 from AlphaKronik Genetics. Excellent yield, mine tastes and smells like huckleberries. Caramel Ice from Positronics seeds is also extremely vigorous. Remember to get tomato cages to contain the madness! These plants have consistently provided me moderate/high yields of some of the best cannabis I have ingested.
Hope this helps,
I would recommend Cheddarwurst2 from AlphaKronik Genetics. Excellent yield, mine tastes and smells like huckleberries. Caramel Ice from Positronics seeds is also extremely vigorous. Remember to get tomato cages to contain the madness! These plants have consistently provided me moderate/high yields of some of the best cannabis I have ingested.
Hope this helps,
How long did it take you to grow each of those from start to finish and how much did they each yield? I think Ill probably get one of them.


Well-Known Member
Northern lights.

Short bushy tough plants that are easy to grow, disease resistant, effectively hermie-proof, potent, low-odor, and offer decent yield.

Flowering time is relatively short. . .I think its only 7-8 weeks.

On top of all of the above, seeds are also available relatively inexpensively.

I think the only real drawback to this strain is an unremarkable "piney" scent/flavor.
Northern lights.

Short bushy tough plants that are easy to grow, disease resistant, effectively hermie-proof, potent, low-odor, and offer decent yield.

Flowering time is relatively short. . .I think its only 7-8 weeks.

On top of all of the above, seeds are also available relatively inexpensively.

I think the only real drawback to this strain is an unremarkable "piney" scent/flavor.
Would this one be good or is there any specific one you recommend?

Those are all qualities that are very good for my grow situation though, but do you have any idea around how much you can get from one plant? If you have grown them before whats the upper and lower limit from them?


Well-Known Member
Pineapple Express or Kandy Kush. Ive had both as freebies and boy were they good. Both yield well. Kandy Kush is a bit lanky and requires some tying. You will need good odor control for either. But Im telling you the buds are primo my friend.


Active Member
for your first grow i would recommend starting with some bag seed to avoid spending money on expensive strains that you may/may not fuck up. make your expenses low as possible for your first grow just to get a feel for everything. watering, lighting, nutes, etc. Best of luck to you, Happy growing and as always, stay smokey :leaf:


Well-Known Member
^^ How is the Nirvana NL in comparison? I am running 1 fem from Nirvana next run. Looking for the indica stone with maybe a little cerebral action.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
best nl in succession from best to worst that i've sampled/grown

Dr. Atomic NL- straight quality/yield strain, perfect for any newbie
Homegrown Fantaseeds NL- Similar to Sensi's verson but alot less expensive.
Sensi seeds NL- overpriced compared to competitors.
G13 Labs NL freebie- covered in crystal, not as potent as the others, about as good as nirvana's.
Nirvana NL - Piney smelling, good yield and some variation, you can find sati dom plants and indica dom plants, find the one you like since these seeds are crazy cheap when purchasing regular seeds. my advice is ONLY grow regular seeds if you are growing nirvana and get them from The Attitude or Sea of Seeds.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
mandala's gear is both cheap, and some of the most noob friendly there is. i didn't give his hashberry a chance though as it gets really funky, but loved his out of circulation until next year 8 miles high. it's a very fun high that's better than generic hazes.

northern lights #5 is a really good beginner strain. it's low odor and one of the original cash cropper strains. it's in tons of crosses.

if you want a crazy fun high, TGA's jack's cleaner 2 is my favorite so far. it's a 9 week strain with a stony edge, but has real psychoactivity which most strains, even a lot of alleged hazes don't have, and even more special has a really fun touchy feely effect that would be perfect for warming dates up. i prefer quality over quantity myself, but the flowering time is good for that strain and i think the yield is at least decent without looking it up.

if you want a fun flavor strain that has a little bit of funk, but nowhere near roadkill level, DNA's sour cream is freakin' delicious! it's a little too stony for my tastes, but manageable. their lemon skunk is even better though in the high department. i think that's a 9 week strain too, but the high is better than skunk #1 and it isn't skunky despite it's name. it has a cool "golden glow" about it that matches the lemongrass flavor too.

if you want something really euphoric, but stony, TGA's jillybean gets rave reviews.

yield is kind of complicated. 400 grams per square meter used to be considered a pretty good yield for cash cropper strains that finish in the 7-8 week range, but if you look into some longer flowering strains that take up to 10 weeks or maybe even more, some of them allegedly yield up to 750 grams which is probably pretty close to what you'd get from faster strains in the same space over the period of a year or more, but the better buzzes are in those strains.

too many people get so obsessed about yield and potency that they sacrifice THC profiles and flavor in the process. a few extra grams of a crappy strain is just a few extra grams of crap. what's the point? LOL

i think you'll find that strains you grow that get you high instead of stoned are going to be much more in demand unless maybe you live in socal where they're common. in many places, people are starved to get high big time and try and get their dealers to give it to them, but they only care about a quick buck and not so much growing the best possible. there ARE strains out there with real highs that yield decently and even finish quickly too these days.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend getting a lucky dip. There's a few available from different breeders, I got Mandala's Safari Mix recently, 25 seeds for like $30, and I got some great looking females out of it that I just put into flower. I will probably also be trying the walkabout from Mr. Nice (15 seeds for $35, mostly sativas, but I've been growing sativas indoors for years) and Sensi's indoor mix (pricier at $84 for 25 seeds, but I have had nothing but awesome results from Sensi). Optionally you can try some stuff from Nirvana and see what you get. I have seen some great cuts come from Nirvana packs, but I wouldn't say they are exactly in the majority. I would just avoid any of the $5+ per bean stuff until you are confident that you won't be wasting a lot of money.


Well-Known Member
for your first grow i would recommend starting with some bag seed to avoid spending money on expensive strains that you may/may not fuck up. make your expenses low as possible for your first grow just to get a feel for everything. watering, lighting, nutes, etc. Best of luck to you, Happy growing and as always, stay smokey :leaf:
Unless you have one bad ass bag I disagree, top of the line genes grown under shitty lights will still be better smoke than some bag seed that is probably from a hermi anyway. Why learn to grow a strain you most likely don't even want. Keep it simple, good soil, good nutes, good seeds....... If you gonna spend a bunch of extra money, do it making sure you temps and humidity stay perfect.


Well-Known Member
I've grown 3 strains from Delicious Seeds recently. Fruity Chronic Juice, Black Russian, and Cotton Candy. The fruity Chronic juice is easy to grow stays short has large compact buds and sparkles like crazy, great stony high if you let it mature. The black russian is a little taller and takes longer to mature, I just chopped the main colas tonight so it'll be a while before I can try it. The Cotton candy is 90% sativa It tripled in height during flower and took 12 weeks to mature. Those flower times the seed banks publish seem to be about 2 or more weeks short for the strains Ive grown. Of the three, Fruity chrionic juice would be a good one to learn on.

dwight smokum

Active Member
Northern lights.

Short bushy tough plants that are easy to grow, disease resistant, effectively hermie-proof, potent, low-odor, and offer decent yield.

Flowering time is relatively short. . .I think its only 7-8 weeks.

On top of all of the above, seeds are also available relatively inexpensively.

I think the only real drawback to this strain is an unremarkable "piney" scent/flavor.
this is the only weed i have ezperience with and everything you say is true. it wont hermi i dont care what you do to

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i bet there's SOME schwag breeder out there fucking northern lights up. as nirvana has a terrible rep for their fems and autos, i wouldn't trust THEIR NL#5 and these days, even their regs aren't getting the same respect they used to.


Well-Known Member
Would this one be good or is there any specific one you recommend?

Those are all qualities that are very good for my grow situation though, but do you have any idea around how much you can get from one plant? If you have grown them before whats the upper and lower limit from them?
That Skunk NL is probably easy to grow and would be a good choice but for one thing. In my opinion "skunk" based strains offer potential odor control problems that will add another layer of difficulty/paranoia to your first grow.

As to the rest of this, I haven't grown these from a variety of breeders, so I can't offer specific advice from experience about which are good and which are not.

I've heard more than once that the Dr. Atomic Northern Lights is amongst the best; I doubt you'll go wrong there.

In terms of yield, that's going to be nearly entirely dependent on

a. How big a pot you plant them in, and
b. How big you let the plants get before flowering them, and
c. How much light you put on them, and
d. Your skill as a grower.

The yield could be anywhere from ZERO (assuming you don't make it to harvest); to a fraction of an ounce, if you're growing a small plant in a small plant under fluorescent lights; to 5+ ounces per plant if you grow big plants with 60+ watts/square foot HPS lighting with good nutrient supplementation.
That Skunk NL is probably easy to grow and would be a good choice but for one thing. In my opinion "skunk" based strains offer potential odor control problems that will add another layer of difficulty/paranoia to your first grow.

As to the rest of this, I haven't grown these from a variety of breeders, so I can't offer specific advice from experience about which are good and which are not.

I've heard more than once that the Dr. Atomic Northern Lights is amongst the best; I doubt you'll go wrong there.

In terms of yield, that's going to be nearly entirely dependent on

a. How big a pot you plant them in, and
b. How big you let the plants get before flowering them, and
c. How much light you put on them, and
d. Your skill as a grower.

The yield could be anywhere from ZERO (assuming you don't make it to harvest); to a fraction of an ounce, if you're growing a small plant in a small plant under fluorescent lights; to 5+ ounces per plant if you grow big plants with 60+ watts/square foot HPS lighting with good nutrient supplementation.
400 watt HPS and MH bulb in a 2 foot long by 1.5 foot wide area. roughly 4-5 feet tall so total about 15-20 CU ft.

Also i was hoping for 5 gallon pots but I need to get measurements for those so possibly down to something smaller. I was only going to grow 2 plants at a time anyway. As far as supplements go I was hoping to not have to use too many the first grow, trying to limit it to PH up and downs and maybe some minerals if theyre needed.

Just wanted to put up some specs.


Well-Known Member
On using "bagseed" for your first grow. . .

You can do that, but unless you have no other source of seeds, I'd counsel against it.

First of all, unless you're buying smuggled outdoor grown weed (eg Mexican) you're probably not going to find many (if any) seeds in any bags.

If you did find some seeds, you wouldn't really have any idea what the plants they grew might turn into.

They might actually be great (the Mexican genetics are under-rated, in my opinion), but they may be tall stretchy sativa-type plants that are hard to grow indoors without lots of training. That's not good for novices. The flowering time might be fully three months. The genetics may be hermaphrodite-prone. You don't know, and these uncertainties aren't good for new growers.