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anyone? fdd?
you can pollinate as long as you still have white hairs. you may have to wait for the seeds to ripen though. sounds like a good cross.I have a strawberry cough in the 6th week of 12/12 and am waiting for a kushberry male to be ripe enough to take some sdeeds, they are developed and hanging down. What is the latest you can polleniate and still get good quality seeds?
Alright thats what i thought but i was unsure, im def gonna make some RPS then.I have a strawberry cough crossing with a kushberry male and when the seeds come they get a new name that I make. So to answer your question Name away. Just google or do some research to make sure it hasnt been crossed yet.
How Long does it take for the seeds to mature in the Calyx?within the next day or so the hairs that were pollinated will die. they dry up and turn brown. this is a good sign that it took. now we wait. seed production takes quite some time. indoors i will seed about the second to third week of flower. the seeds will be done by harvest. i like to wait until i see the skin of the seed pod start to peel back and the exposed seed poking out. premature seeds are no good. the longer i wait the better. it does not hurt to let them go until they fall off on there own. i can shake a branch and seeds will litter down.
yes and yes.hey fdd, i was wondering if their is anything inside a calyx if it hasnt been pollinated, and do the hairs always turn orange when its pollinated.