Seed produced while in veg?


I have some White Widow I grew from seed, first problem I noticed was males making flowers at day 32, and one even dropped pollen! It was in a different room so I doubt it's related to the following: All the females were showing sex at that time too, but one looked normal and hadn't show either way yet. Today I was looking at that one to see if it was M or F yet and although I didn't see any twin white hairs or male signs yet, I did see seed pods here and there at different nodes. Just single hollow pods here an there, except one was brown vs green like the rest. I touched it and a fully developed seed popped out!!! Wth?!?! I haven't even put them into flower yet, how can this be? So males dropping pollen and seed production while in veg. What's going on here???

It's the first grow in this house with just a few plants in soil under 400MH 24/0, they're almost three months old now.



ya if you rmale dropped pollin and it got on your clothes hands ect. and you then entered female area, you definately spread the pollin...doesnt take much to seed a bitch!


I thought about the autoflower mix breed, but they're supposed to be pure, I got them from I wrote them about it but they don't care. Also, they're three months old now, so if they were auto they would be fully flowered by now.

As for spreading pollen, yes I agree I could've spread some, but the problem is this particular plant never had any preflowers, even now there are none, not even one little white hair. The others have all had preflowers for two months now and there's no sign of seed pods on them, just normal preflower growth.If anyone would've got knocked up it should've been them.
And again, they've been in veg the whole time, 24/0 light since I planted them, so even if I did pollinate by accident, how could it produce a fully developed seed in veg. And how did it do it with no flowers or even preflowers? Like I said before; if not for the seed I couldn't even tell the sex yet.