Seed Predicament


Well-Known Member
Alright so I'm pretty much done acquiring the necessary grow equipment to start my first legitimate grow. Though I have reached a question I cannot fully answer with just my knowledge of intense reading about cannabis... no this requires a full fledged grower's opinion for me to feel like I have made the correct decision.

Question: Should I order 3 Feminized seeds from Pick and Mix off attitude (Strains: Barney's Farm: Violator Kush, Dutch Passion: Oasis, and the free UFO1 Dinafem: Blue Hash) or just order a 5 pack of a popular Nirvana strain (AK48/White Widow/Blue Mystic). The reason I find this a hard question is because on one hand the 3 seeds I mentioned are from high quality breeders (Well higher quality than Nirvana) but I am worried about them possible not germinating or going hermie. While Nirvana I would receive 5 seeds and get a almost guaranteed germ. success rate that Nirvana is known for (Unless they're reputation and quality has changed since I grew out some of their WW a few years ago). I'm not sure Nirvana's reputation regarding hermie % rate from fem'd. I plan on growing 3 plants with around 250-300 watts for flowering using FF OF soil and the soil trio nutes (Grow, Bloom, Tiger) an using distilled water. There is also the possibility of receiving a bad pheno. Argh! So many variables!

I know I can't receive a full proof answer on which would be better because of this but if I could have the opinion of growers on what would most likely be the better option it would help reassure me on my decision +rep just for your opinion (explanation appreciated but not needed I guess) :clap:


Active Member
Alright so I'm pretty much done acquiring the necessary grow equipment to start my first legitimate grow. Though I have reached a question I cannot fully answer with just my knowledge of intense reading about cannabis... no this requires a full fledged grower's opinion for me to feel like I have made the correct decision.

Question: Should I order 3 Femenized seeds from Pick and Mix off attitude (Strains: Barney's Farm: Violator Kush, Dutch Passion: Oasis, and the free UFO1 Dinafem: Blue Hash) or just order a 5 pick of a popular Nirvana strain (AK48/White Widow/Blue Mystic). The reason I find this a hard question is because on one hand the 3 seeds I mentioned are from high quality breeders (Well higher quality than Nirvana) but I am worried about them possible not germinating or going hermie. While Nirvana I would receive 5 seeds and get a almost guarentteed germ. sucess rate that Nirvana is known for (Unless they're reputation and quality has changed since I grew out some of their WW a few years ago). I'm not sure Nirvana's reputation regarding hermie % rate from fem'd. I plan on growing 3 plants with around 250-300 watts for flowering using FF OF soil and the soil trio nutes (Grow, Bloom, Tiger) an using distilled water. There is also the possibility of receiving a bad pheno. Argh! So many variables!

I know I can't receive a full proof answer on which would be better because of this but if I could have the opinion of growers on what would most likely be the better option it would help reassure me on my decision +rep just for your opinion (explanation appreciated but not needed I guess) :clap:
starting off with all one strain minimizes your chances of a big headache but if its not your first time growing variation is good as you'll get tired of smoking the SAME strain ALLL the time.

dont sleep on companies like nirvana who sell seeds dirt cheap as relate that to being of poor quality. some high end breeders are crap even though they want $20 per seed. stay away from greenhouse seeds whatever you do.

my advice is to also find plants (if different strains) that grow to about the same height otherwise you'll have problems getting the light equally as close to all plants...sometimes this can happen with just growing one strain especially if the genetic line is unstable.

i say either go all the same or grow ones of similar height.

as far as germination goes ive only had 2 or 3 beans not pop on me out of 30 or so purchased and thats from various breeders.

hope this helps.

i think white berry is an amazing strain as i grew it out last time and from 5 plants in 5 gal buckets i yielded just under 14oz. granted that was with hps light but still it was one of my heaviest yielding strains so far and the quality was GREAT...


Active Member
...seeds from powerhouse breeders are usually very good in-terms of germinating... those guys calculate ratios of germination success to the % of moisture within the seed. so I wouldn't worry to much about that. as far as hermies? that's more of random genetics and you can never really tell. but when generation after generation after more generations of females... it's a pretty good estimate it's going to be a female...

...ive grown barneys lsd, dutch passion blueberry, and nivana's white widow in the past never had any problems... if I had the choices you have, then I never miss an opportunity for dutch passion (my fav breeder)...


Well-Known Member
IMO I would grow serious AK47....... best strain to grow for a first grow. I promise you wont be dissapointed with the genetics or the yield for that matter. And one more thing, order the regular seeds NO FEM SEEDS.


Well-Known Member
Ah if I had the budget to spring for serious I most definitely would though I'm not looking to go over 50 dollars on seeds atm. I'm leaning towards the 3 seeds even though I may have some height differences. I will be putting them into flowering with the intent they will most likely grow to about 2 1/2 times there size leaving enough room for safe light distance. Also as sm0key stated I find that switching up strains (even with the mid grade bud I usually get) helps me to achieve a successful state of being "high" almost every time (different cannabinoid levels in the plants/strains I'm assuming). Why should I not get fem'd iPBT? I hear they have a greater chance at being hermies than regulars but on the other hand wouldn't it be better to have a plant that produces some bud than one that produces none (i.e male) ?


Active Member
I would recommend the Nirvana AK48 and Blue Mystics. My first grow was the AK48 (using only CFLs), and I got over 4ozs dry from just two plants. Not bad from a newb and no hps lighting! I got regular seeds and grew out some boys to collect I have plenty of AK seeds for future grows. I've got a monster AK going now, and a BM just now on its third set of leaves. It will be a while for the Mystic, but I hear it is some really good smoke! Nirvana has great customer service and prices - you don't have to spend a lot to get good seeds... Good luck with whatever you go with!


Well-Known Member
I would recommend the Nirvana AK48 and Blue Mystics. My first grow was the AK48 (using only CFLs), and I got over 4ozs dry from just two plants. Not bad from a newb and no hps lighting! I got regular seeds and grew out some boys to collect I have plenty of AK seeds for future grows. I've got a monster AK going now, and a BM just now on its third set of leaves. It will be a while for the Mystic, but I hear it is some really good smoke! Nirvana has great customer service and prices - you don't have to spend a lot to get good seeds... Good luck with whatever you go with!
I must be the ONLY person to get shitty customer service from these guys cause I have been emailing them for over three months to get replacement seeds from my Nirvana NL. None of the seeds germd....none. They said they would replace them and I thought great..... three months later and no seeds and no reply to my emails. Everyone says GREAT things about Nirvana..... I must have slipped through the cracks somewhere lol


Active Member
Ah if I had the budget to spring for serious I most definitely would though I'm not looking to go over 50 dollars on seeds atm. I'm leaning towards the 3 seeds even though I may have some height differences. I will be putting them into flowering with the intent they will most likely grow to about 2 1/2 times there size leaving enough room for safe light distance. Also as sm0key stated I find that switching up strains (even with the mid grade bud I usually get) helps me to achieve a successful state of being "high" almost every time (different cannabinoid levels in the plants/strains I'm assuming). Why should I not get fem'd iPBT? I hear they have a greater chance at being hermies than regulars but on the other hand wouldn't it be better to have a plant that produces some bud than one that produces none (i.e male) ?
when i brought up height issues i didnt mean that you'd grow your plants into the ceiling...i was referring to the height differences between two separate genetics as you could end up with one really tall plant, a few really short ones, and a few in between. this can also happen if you put strains in which the genetic line is not very stable. if you use a site like wwms it will show you on the side of the screen which other strains are of the same height, flowering time, or both..some breeders also list the height pf their strains as well.

also...about fem seeds...

they are perfectly good to use.

out of 20 or so fem seeds i grew out only 1 has gone hermie & it wasnt that serious...just peel off the "bananas" and you're good to go. some people really rag on fems soooo bad but to be honest i intentionally stressed a fem plant i had (that came from a bean in a breeder sealed 10-pack) and guess what?

it stayed 100% female...i light poisoned it for 3 weeks...abused it on nutes/watering, etc...not a single grain of pollen to be found.

only real downside to fems is they are usually double the price of regulars but its good if you dont have the room for double the plants in veg (and double the soil, nutes, etc.)..

i say get whatever you want im just giving you opinions based on my experience with fem seeds.

Stop hatin the greenhouse they have great seeds from all ova the world.but yeah choose wisely
well im not trying to knock greenhouse but i havent had too good of an experience with their genetics. ill give them another shot sometime down the road but i ended up with big differences in height, a hermie, a yield much less than advertised, an effect opposite of advertised...etc.

i dont wanna rule them out completely over a strain or two but im skeptical at this point.

its also not that the smoke is that bad (even if opposite of whats advertised) its just 1 winner out of 6 plants isnt good in my book.

I would recommend the Nirvana AK48 and Blue Mystics. My first grow was the AK48 (using only CFLs), and I got over 4ozs dry from just two plants. Not bad from a newb and no hps lighting! I got regular seeds and grew out some boys to collect I have plenty of AK seeds for future grows. I've got a monster AK going now, and a BM just now on its third set of leaves. It will be a while for the Mystic, but I hear it is some really good smoke! Nirvana has great customer service and prices - you don't have to spend a lot to get good seeds... Good luck with whatever you go with!
no kidding...4zips on 2 ak48 plants with just cfls? how many lumes or watts were you using? what size pot? etc.

and hows the smoke of that ak48? how comparable is it to the actual ak-47? is it racy? calm/relaxing? etc.