seed not germing...need alternative


Active Member
Do you have any plastic food wrap over the plate? If not the paper towels and seeds will dry out. The plastic wrap will act as a humidity dome and trap the moisture..
i dont but the moisture is being trapped as the top plate is soaking while its just the towel thats drying out, i'l stick a sandwhich bag over them and see if it helps.


Active Member
zelweeds has a little shameless behaviour in the past ... can see that!!

also some darkness

so water,heat and darkness is what ya need

i put seeds between to paper towels in a bowl then cover it up in towels then put it in my closet and they root so......
there in between 2 plates bro.. its dark.


Well-Known Member
while i learn to spell you can learn the anatomy of a seed, if you had the slightest clue to how a seed works you would know that a seed may become dormant and a hormone can be used to stimulate metabolic activity in that seed thus making it grow. you shouldve spent more time in 9th grade biology and less time in your basement smoking. that is if you cant do your research idiot.
not only is he wrong...but verbally demeaning a mod....genius
I personally have had good success rates with Jiffy disks and a humidity dome. I also supplement Superthrive to the water I use to expand the cubes, perhaps not to help germinate but to help the early rooting stage after it pops. Trace amounts of chlorination in the water further helps against any microscopic parasites. Patience in regards to inserting the seeds into the soilless germination disks (tweezers) seems to be an important step in my experiences.


Well-Known Member
Here are the titles of the threads you have started this year with the links zelweeds,
has anybody used 20000k coralife flouro tube for veg? a "friend" claims that those spectrums will penetrate the plant better and allow the plant to produce more clorophyl than 6500k.. is this bs or is it worth the $20 for a 20in t5 tube

Nobody answered.
Ive been using MG Flower Food for flowering, but would Rose Food be better?

Nobody answered.

It seems to me that most indoor grows veg for about 6 weeks how long do you personally veg for?
Now here you got some answers but hey, If you know so much Why ask about light temp? Why do you use MG for fertilizer, why is it you don't know how long to veg indoors

You need to learn before you can teach.

Sorry for jackin your thread but I think you got what you came for spaceman, I'm outta here.


Active Member
hahaha had no idea this thread was still alive!

she popped out in the end the day after i made this thread journals in my sig if anyones interested :)


Active Member
I used to have problems germinating seeds. I finally settled on a method that has worked 100% so far after throwing out over 35+ potentially good seeds. Soak the seeds in chlorinated warm water from the tap until they sink to the bottom - 1-2 days. Place them in paper towels soaked with warm chlorinated water. Place it in a warm area with a matching plate inverted atop to keep it kinda humid inside. If any seeds still don't crack, soak it again with warm chlorinated water and repeat.

Scraping the seem is a great idea! Thanks Cruzer101!
I think chlorinated water is key in this since it kills most germs. I also get the best results with soaking cuttings using warm chlorinated water. Chlorine is nothing to be afraid of.