seed just sprouted


Well-Known Member
so this was my very first try in growing. what i did over the summer was germinate a seed and planted it with some top soil, gravel, homemade compost, and planters soil.

it didnt grow so i figured, oh hell, my first try and it didnt sprout. no big deal.

well, yesterday, it sprouted.

its too cold to grow it outdoors now right?


Well-Known Member
nope not really you could pull it off outside but it requires bringing inside and out again its a pain in the ass trust me :mrgreen: your best bet would be to pick of cfl's or if you got the cashflow then some hps or mh lights. just make sure you transplant it soon so you dont accidently disturb the roots and stunt growth. other than tht all you need is some air circulation and if you using cfl's keep them 3-4 inches away and use about 6-7 or as many as possible and make sure they are 6500k spectrum for best veg results and then get some 2500k spectrum later for budding. if you go hps or mh then keep it about 18-24 inches depending on how powerful your running and have really good air circulation or you will most likley get heat stress. dont nute until they older either wait till they about 3 weeks old or so and are strong and have good roots system goin.


Well-Known Member
ive read you plant the sprout up so it curves downward and when the seed breaches the soil it is more likely to leave the seed shell in the ground. but really i dont think it matters too much, just less chance of having to touch the new seedling


Well-Known Member
for my first grow i used to post on overgrow but as you may know that site is gone now, but anyways when i forst started i asked all of these questions on there and they all said sprout up. but the guy before looks like hes posted over 4000 times so he probably knows what hes talking about... anyone else?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I usually start seeds in ROCKWOOL cubes with great success :) and the seeds almost always come up with the STEM... sometimes, they don't fall off the stem for 2 weeks...


If you look below the red circle, You can see the seed stuck to the stem..




Well-Known Member
ive always planted sprout down and had no problems...if in doubt just put the seed in the medium and let it go from there.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well, given all the dust storms and what not going around (especially with all the fires) my baby plant just died. (i left it outside)

i'll try again =)


Well-Known Member
either way will work, the plant will know which way is up and down and send the roots down and the sprout up towards the light. i put it in with the tap root down.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I think, the problem is... WE are unsure what you mean by sprout.. If it is the tap root, you are talking about.. THAT should GO DOWN...


Well-Known Member
This thread should have ended about 8 posts ago.

IT IS TAP ROOT DOWN, which is to say the little white tentril that peaks out of a germinated seed. But really, it doesn't matter one bit. Throw it in some soil (only about 1/4 of an inch deep, sometimes only lightly cover it with soil) and it will come. Water once it's in the cup, then put a small plastic baggie over the top for humidity, but make sure its not air tight. As soon as it sprouts, remove bags and let it grow for one more day before putting it under 12 hours of light. Then, on the second day, start the 18 hour light cycle.

Keep it going for 3 weeks, watering every 2 days at first, then usually longer towards the end of the period (4-6 days). Just remember, it's better for the soil to be dryer than saturated. At 3 weeks, add a small dosage of nutes 5-1-1 or something similar, and voila - your plants should be big enough to thrive. Also make sure if you start them in party cups, transplant them at 1-2 weeks to a bigger container as the roots grow extremely fast and it can really inhibit growth.

Have fun.


Sector 5 Moderator
BTW, you need to get rid of that soil you cooked up and plant your new babies in some Miracle Grow Organic Growers Choice soil mix. Your new plants will have a LOT better chance of growing to maturity in that.