seed jacking


Well-Known Member
hey, just thought of one other thing as well.. did you look around on your porch, if you have one of course, or behind the bushes or anything like that by any chance??

like i said, i've never ordreed from there before, so i'm not sure what they're packages look like, don't want to know either, lol, but sometimes if something doesn't fit in the mail box, the mail men / women, will leave it somewhere they think is safe and that you'll find..

maybe ask the mail man about it as well.. just be nice and say you've been waiting on a package that's not been delivered, have you seen it by any chance?? wouldn't hurt imvho..
Where's my flashlight damnit?


Well-Known Member
I know, I think my family jinxed me. My whole life they've told me I was gonna get fat. Then after about 20 yrs of that their fat jealous asses saw it wasn't gonna happen, so then they switched to my eyes would go bad. Jinxy bastards got me when I turned 45. lmao


Well-Known Member
I want you to know racerboy, you had me outside in the dark looking in the bushes like a friggin crackhead. lmao
Hell of a suggestion though, gonna be sitting on the porch waiting on the mailman tomorrow.


this type of shit happens all the time, there is nothign you can do really, either someone you know that knows your ordering seeds is stealing from you or your having some bad luck or its a coincidence....could be anything, keep trying is all ic an say..good luck


bud bootlegger
I want you to know racerboy, you had me outside in the dark looking in the bushes like a friggin crackhead. lmao
Hell of a suggestion though, gonna be sitting on the porch waiting on the mailman tomorrow.
now that's funny.. i can picture it in my mind oh so well too, lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah, the tude seems to be having a lot of issues lately with missing orders as well.. seems if your gear goes through the chicago customs, they have a higher chance of being snagged.. thank god i'm on the east coast, lol..
never thought i'd read that on here!


Well-Known Member
If you're having seed problems I feel bad for ya son - I got all my Sannie deliveries without the customs made bum.

fems - Shackzilla (sat) & Extrema (ind)

reg - too many to mention

All A+ - and exactly as advertised. Flowering times usually shorter than stated.


Well-Known Member
I've got a list of the top 5 that I've seen recommended and Sannies is on the list.
Thanx for the input . I just hate it when you have to switch strains right when you're getting your current strains dialed in.
I mean I damn near had those girls on auto-pilot, lol


New Member
Where I live they have implemented an x-ray machine that ALL packages go through now, even letters! Maybe your postal outlet has "improved their services" so to speak?


Well-Known Member
Where I live they have implemented an x-ray machine that ALL packages go through now, even letters! Maybe your postal outlet has "improved their services" so to speak?
I sure hope not, if so then I guess I'm pretty much screwed as far as getting beans.