seed issues with worldwide seed distributors. no germ!


So I've not had the best luck with some seeds from know the single seed place...and I've gotten 2 different seeds from 2 different seed banks...1 being barneys strawberry haze and the other is an afghan kush x black domina hybrid...and neither have germinated. I've tried every way possible (and yes including patience) and they won't germinate. I've never had issues getting seeds started in my life. I've been doing the paper towel method in a zip lock bag covered with a blanket and kept in a cabinet, when that didn't work I let them soak in a shot glass with another cup covering it and then in a cabinet. I let them soak for 12 hrs then back to fresh paper towels and fresh water, covered them again and back in the cabinet....still nothing. So next I added some heat and turned up the abient in the room to about 79 degrees and still nothing. Its now been 5 days and I'm stumped! Any advice? Similar experiences from this company? Etc??


Well-Known Member
So I've not had the best luck with some seeds from know the single seed place...and I've gotten 2 different seeds from 2 different seed banks...1 being barneys strawberry haze and the other is an afghan kush x black domina hybrid...and neither have germinated. I've tried every way possible (and yes including patience) and they won't germinate. I've never had issues getting seeds started in my life. I've been doing the paper towel method in a zip lock bag covered with a blanket and kept in a cabinet, when that didn't work I let them soak in a shot glass with another cup covering it and then in a cabinet. I let them soak for 12 hrs then back to fresh paper towels and fresh water, covered them again and back in the cabinet....still nothing. So next I added some heat and turned up the abient in the room to about 79 degrees and still nothing. Its now been 5 days and I'm stumped! Any advice? Similar experiences from this company? Etc??
Have you tried anything wild and crazy like putting it in soil and moistening the soil? I've heard of seeds that really like it when you plant them and stop dunking them in water and placing them between paper towels. Give it a shot!


Active Member
Sometimes not all seeds will germinate. Thats the harsh reality. With that being said, most people will buy 10 seeds or more. Just in case they might get some bad seeds. I got 3 seeds from single seed sales, killed one plant, one seed grew a tap root but never sprouted and one seed never took hold.

I guess this is a lesson learned. Get more seeds next time in case this happens. Its not everyday that the seeds wont germinate but it does happen sometimes.


Sometimes not all seeds will germinate. Thats the harsh reality. With that being said, most people will buy 10 seeds or more. Just in case they might get some bad seeds. I got 3 seeds from single seed sales, killed one plant, one seed grew a tap root but never sprouted and one seed never took hold.

I guess this is a lesson learned. Get more seeds next time in case this happens. Its not everyday that the seeds wont germinate but it does happen sometimes.
Very is indeed a lesson learned and I've had seeds not want to germ and split before...I just thought it odd that both seeds that I ordered didn't germinate. But I suppose sometimes it truly is just luck of the draw.


Well-Known Member
Wow! U mean u can't just grow them in water or wet paper towels the whole time? That's incredible insight you have!! Fucking smart ass! How ab contributing something that's actually useful instead of venting on people who are seeking advice on the internet to make up for your lack of spine in real life since people on the street would slap the damn taste out of your worthless cocksucking mouth. People come to these boards for advice, help or to share info. If you're not doing any of those things then do the rest of us a favor and just don't say anything at all. Its people like you who drive people away and prevent them from seeking out the knowledge of others. So, to put it quite simply, if your just going to be an asshole...don't waste your time by submitting a reply because all you do is succeed in making yourself look like an ass.

As to your comment...yes that thought had crossed my mind...but considering that 90% of people try to get their seeds germinated and a taproot started before they place them in soil as they have much better germination rates when done in this method.
Wow....that's an appropriate and worthwhile response. I don't know what context you took my original comment in, but it certainly didn't warrant this response. I'm going to assume since you have 12 posts and nothing useful to say that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

I've germinated 100's of seeds. 100% success rate. Never had a seed not germinate. This is from plenty of seed distributors, breeders and seedbanks from all over the world. I've germinated and grown bagseeds, brown seeds, old seeds, new seeds, all of them have germinated.

Do you know why you say 90% of people germinate their seeds and THEN plant them? Because THOSE are people that are posting about their troubles.

There's no need to personally attack me or cop your shit because you're having a bad day and feeling all high and mighty. Fact is your just a troll and for some reason feel it necessary to interject, not about the topic, but about your personal feelings about my one line comment that was slightly sarcastic, but mostly genuine. I've reported it, and hopefully I won't have to deal with you for at least 10 days.

Welcome to forum noob.


Well-Known Member
Ok cool! Ill give that a shot. I've got nothing to lose at this point. Its def worth a try! Thanks for the advice!
Nevermind....It's clear you have no rational thinking skill so I'll just unsubscribe to this thread. You would take knife to your seed and "split it open" before trying to simply plant it? Some people come here and simply refuse to be helped. Good luck! Might want to break out the Visa and order more seeds.


Active Member

Germination out of grow medium is retarded

Dont by single seeds,get at least a pack of 5,that way you got plants for sure


Wow....that's an appropriate and worthwhile response. I don't know what context you took my original comment in, but it certainly didn't warrant this response. I'm going to assume since you have 12 posts and nothing useful to say that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

I've germinated 100's of seeds. 100% success rate. Never had a seed not germinate. This is from plenty of seed distributors, breeders and seedbanks from all over the world. I've germinated and grown bagseeds, brown seeds, old seeds, new seeds, all of them have germinated.

Do you know why you say 90% of people germinate their seeds and THEN plant them? Because THOSE are people that are posting about their troubles.

There's no need to personally attack me or cop your shit because you're having a bad day and feeling all high and mighty. Fact is your just a troll and for some reason feel it necessary to interject, not about the topic, but about your personal feelings about my one line comment that was slightly sarcastic, but mostly genuine. I've reported it, and hopefully I won't have to deal with you for at least 10 days.

Welcome to forum noob.
Lol! You are literally too ignorant and completely not worth the time to insult. Lol! I do appreciate the 2nd grade name calling..."troll" I believe it now I have pink hair and a cute gem on my belly?! :) at least you are entertaining. And yes...clearly since I've only posted 12 times on this board that must clearly mean that I know nothing right? As this forum is absolutely the only place to go for knowledge as well as the fact that everysingle person who does have experience in this feild has to have posted numerous times in this forums right? Lol! That's incredibly intelligent reasoning. Have a great day! I'm done wasting time on you. Arguing on the interent is like running the 100 meter relay in the special olympics...even if you win you're still retarded. And I have more pressing matters at taking a shit. :) Thanks to everyone who actually had something constructive to contribute. Its you guys who keep me comming back to these boards to find some good info...I guess sometimes along the way you have to deal with a douchebag or 2! :)


Well-Known Member
Here ya go newbie
You better check yourself bud. I found your post extremely offensive and uncalled for. I've reported it as well. You attacked a senior member for basically no reason. I've got a feeling that with this kind of attitude you won't be around much longer so enjoy your stay and keep the attacks coming so we can get you banned. We are a tight knit community here and won't tolerate this kind of b.s.




Germination out of grow medium is retarded

Dont by single seeds,get at least a pack of 5,that way you got plants for sure
That's my opinion as well. And as I said earlier in the thread that's why most of us germinate our seeds first then place them in the growing medium of choice...but clearly our experience and opinions are completely wrong because apparantly there is only 1 right way to germinate seeds. ;) lol!

But're right I should have just bought a 5 pack, that was my fault completely. I just didn't think id have an issue getting them to germ...oh well live and learn!


Well-Known Member
I have been having problems as well germinating some bagseed for my first grow. Originally I threw about 8 seeds in a paper towel a few weeks ago to germinate, only 2 had taproots and they are now growing nicely. Since then I have tried a few more times to germinate more bagseed in paper towels and had no luck. Just 2 days ago I decided to just germinate them in soil, I have also put a few in a glass of water as well since people seem to like that. The seeds in water still look the same and who knows what's going on with the ones in soil. You might as well give the soil a shot, at this point what do you have to loose?


Here ya go newbie
You better check yourself bud. I found your post extremely offensive and uncalled for. I've reported it as well. You attacked a senior member for basically no reason. I've got a feeling that with this kind of attitude you won't be around much longer so enjoy your stay and keep the attacks coming so we can get you banned. We are a tight knit community here and won't tolerate this kind of b.s.

Lol!!! Oh please no!!! Don't report me!!!!! Not that! Anything but that!!! Lol! Grow up a bit! Its not really my concern what u find offensive. And as for attacking a "senior member" just because someone has been postin on here for awhile doesn't me that they can't be a smartass or wrong. Keep that one in mind the next time u have your weekly "tight knit community" meeting! Lol!!Thank you for the incredibly insightful and relevant info that you contributed to the thread. :) have a good one!


Well-Known Member
Lol!!! Oh please no!!! Don't report me!!!!! Not that! Anything but that!!! Lol! Grow up a bit! Thank you for the incredibly insightful and relavent info that you contributed to the thread. :) have a good one!
You're welcome newb.


I have been having problems as well germinating some bagseed for my first grow. Originally I threw about 8 seeds in a paper towel a few weeks ago to germinate, only 2 had taproots and they are now growing nicely. Since then I have tried a few more times to germinate more bagseed in paper towels and had no luck. Just 2 days ago I decided to just germinate them in soil, I have also put a few in a glass of water as well since people seem to like that. The seeds in water still look the same and who knows what's going on with the ones in soil. You might as well give the soil a shot, at this point what do you have to loose?
That's very true...I don't have anything to lose at this point. I've had the same prob out of bagseed...I guess I just didn't think it would happen with the ones I ordered. I guess that's what I get for assuming.


Well-Known Member
That's very true...I don't have anything to lose at this point. I've had the same prob out of bagseed...I guess I just didn't think it would happen with the ones I ordered. I guess that's what I get for assuming.
Glad to hear i'm not the only one that has had a problem with bagseed. I'm still a bit weary of ordering seeds online but I may eventually do it.


Well-Known Member
That's my opinion as well. And as I said earlier in the thread that's why most of us germinate our seeds first then place them in the growing medium of choice...but clearly our experience and opinions are completely wrong because apparantly there is only 1 right way to germinate seeds. ;) lol!

But're right I should have just bought a 5 pack, that was my fault completely. I just didn't think id have an issue getting them to germ...oh well live and learn!
The original post you had here agreed with me. Learn to read...."Germination out of grow medium is retarded" means that he believes it's stupid to use a paper towel or a glass of water.

But you're right, you came on here seeking answers, but didn't find the one you were hoping for. So we must be wrong...your ignorance is astounding. So you've had trouble germinating plenty of seeds your way is what you're saying? And the only person that agrees with you has had trouble germinating seeds? Might want to reread this whole thread and see what direction it's leaning.

But you're right, what do I know?


Glad to hear i'm not the only one that has had a problem with bagseed. I'm still a bit weary of ordering seeds online but I may eventually do it.
Yeah...bag seed can be finicky since a lot of times the buds are harvested prematurely which consequently means the seeds are underdeveloped as well. I've never had any problem ordering seeds. They always come packaged very discreetly. That's just been my experience though.


Well-Known Member
The other problem with ordering seeds is choosing the seeds. There are so many damn choices that I wind up getting lost and just putting the computer