Seed is sprouting...

Alabama High Test

Active Member
So I have been germinating seeds in the paper towel inside of a tupper wear container under a 75w FL and one of them is starting to split and I can see a white sprout trying to come out.

I guess my next step is to place the seed in a cup of miracle grow moisture control potting soil. But the soil is moist already so I will just water the seed in sprought up. Is this correct.

I have no idea what strain it is.

Anymore suggestions and hints would be appreciated.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Seeds don't need or want light, that can actually slow down the germination process. Tupperware isn't the best either if you have the lid on it, better of just on a wet plate or something so the seeds stay damp but not soaked. Also, plant your sprout taproot down for quicker rooting. It will right itself so no real worries there, just may take a few days longer to break the top of the soil.

Alabama High Test

Active Member
Seeds don't need or want light, that can actually slow down the germination process. Tupperware isn't the best either if you have the lid on it, better of just on a wet plate or something so the seeds stay damp but not soaked. Also, plant your sprout taproot down for quicker rooting. It will right itself so no real worries there, just may take a few days longer to break the top of the soil.
I have the light on for heat purposes. Thanks for the invite will take the lid off as well thanks man.:leaf:

+1 Rep


or place whatever the seedlings are in on top of ur water heater... dude they grow so fast like that ive had mine on there since i put them in some soil...and they just started booming three days later the sprouts are about half an inch up from the surface..and i had them germinating for like a week but they wouldnt sprout so i guess heat was important... idk why i just typed all this man so blazed


Active Member
I wouldn't use "Miracle Grow" if you can get a hold of "Fox Farms Ocean Forrest" soil instead.
Also, I don't claim to be an expert but,
I've had better luck planting directly into Ocean Forrest soil rather than using paper towels etc.
I've tried it both ways. Like they say, you don't see wet paper towels laying around in nature
for seeds to germinate in! I used a small space heater to heat the closet I germinated in.
It worked pretty well! Basically, I planted each seed in a Solo Party cup with FFOF soil,
throughly watered it, then put a sandwhich bag over the cup to slow-down drying-out.
I also made holes in the bottom of the cups and put clay balls on the bottom to help
drainage. That's what worked for me.

Alabama High Test

Active Member
I wouldn't use "Miracle Grow" if you can get a hold of "Fox Farms Ocean Forrest" soil instead.
Also, I don't claim to be an expert but,
I've had better luck planting directly into Ocean Forrest soil rather than using paper towels etc.
I've tried it both ways. Like they say, you don't see wet paper towels laying around in nature
for seeds to germinate in!
I have been looking for FF at home depot and wal mart and can't find it anywhere.
But when should I plant my sprouts, how long should the root be?

Alabama High Test

Active Member
The two sprouts are now in the ground!!! I placed them in a small hole I made with my finger. Than watered them in with distilled water. They are now under my 75w FL grow light. I have the light lowered almost sitting on the top of the two cups. I also placed the 2 remaining seeds under the grow light to see if they will sprout in the next day or so.

Now the question is long till they sprout? 2-3 days i guess.

Alabama High Test

Active Member
Ok so I checked on the sprouts and the soil is dry on top and the rest is moist. I don't have a spray bottle, and don't want to just pour water for the fear that it will drive the seeds deeper in the soil, therfore making them work harder to reach the top. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
Hello AHT....a heating mat is great for germing...and I always germ under T5HO lights with a clear baggin on top of the container to keep humidity up.......they're pretty cheap and have made my germing problem diminish greatly....On the soil, I've gone through most available soils at our local grow store....found a nuteless soil "Humboldt" that has ironed out several kinks also....I'm not a fan of FFOF as it is too hot for seedlings unless your seedlings are in a "buffer" soil until 2-3 weeks old.....when healthy, they can handle your choice of light nutes....good karma on your grow...


Well-Known Member
So I have been germinating seeds in the paper towel inside of a tupper wear container under a 75w FL and one of them is starting to split and I can see a white sprout trying to come out.

I guess my next step is to place the seed in a cup of miracle grow moisture control potting soil. But the soil is moist already so I will just water the seed in sprought up. Is this correct.

I have no idea what strain it is.

Anymore suggestions and hints would be appreciated.:leaf:
For future reference a germ method that works good for me is to put he seeds in a damp paper towel about 4 layers 2 on top 2 on bottom then put the paper towel in a ziploc under a cable box or something that stays relatively warm, the reason I say this is because the right that you were using for heat purposes can kill your seed before you start it light can kill roots and the white thing is the tap root don't wanna hurt that do we, as for the soil MG soils are known for causing nute burns in young seedlings so you might want to consider using another soil FF is the best way to go if out an obtain it. To plant your seed you should make a small hole like 1/2 deep and put the seed in taproot down once the root gets between 1/8-1/4in be sure not to let the root get to long because once the root appears it will need oxygen. Hope your grow goes well if you need any help shoot me a pm or comment and ill try my best to help you.

Alabama High Test

Active Member
So day two of seeds being in dirt, and nothing breaking the soil. Hopefully will have something in the morning. I have also kept the top soil moist by spraying distilled water is this fine?


Well-Known Member
Misting lightly will be fine....I just had a couple of seeds bust a move after 5 days....patience, they wil come....
Hi i have just bought a electric propergator and turned on it seems to only heat to 65 f and i have read it is best 75 to 85 f will it be ok at 65 or do i through it away?