Seed husk still on


Germination in papel towel then when the tap root sprout i plant it in the soil (maybe not deep enough)2 day now... what have i do ? Re planted and add on top more soil? Or leave it alone? Pleeeasee help me sorry for my english i m italian



Well-Known Member
Just leave it alone. It will pop out of there eventually! Give it a week.

Germination in papel towel then when the tap root sprout i plant it in the soil (maybe not deep enough)2 day now... what have i do ? Re planted and add on top more soil? Or leave it alone? Pleeeasee help me sorry for my english i m italian

Original StinkyG

Well-Known Member
Good to hear, next time use a propagator or just a clear plastic "glass" cup over it to keep it humid so when she comes up the seed husk doesn't dry out. Patience will help and cannabis is hardy, it's a weed for God's sake ! Growing weed is easy as anything, growing amazing weed is a little harder ! If you use cubes like clonex or root it just watch the tap root goes into the cube and not push itself out the cube, suicide, I had a suicide this run ! Maddening !


Good to hear, next time use a propagator or just a clear plastic "glass" cup over it to keep it humid so when she comes up the seed husk doesn't dry out. Patience will help and cannabis is hardy, it's a weed for God's sake ! Growing weed is easy as anything, growing amazing weed is a little harder ! If you use cubes like clonex or root it just watch the tap root goes into the cube and not push itself out the cube, suicide, I had a suicide this run ! Maddening !
I will definitely keep that in mind!
maybe sometimes we complicate our life a little but surely patience is needed
suicidal sprout ahaha
that would be a great name for a band!