Seed husk pull


Hi everyone,

First time grower here on a super low budget grow! I have two seeds germinated, I’m posting about the second one which took a bit longer to sprout.

Problem: today it sprouted well our the soil with the husk stuck in top. I safely removed the last husk and the sister is flourishing, I did the same for the second but it wasn’t as easy and may have caused some stress to the seedling. Is this one dead now or does it still have a chance to recover. Any help is much appreciated! Please see pictures attached. Any other tips tricks you can provide based on what you see would be awesome. I’m using a CFL 5500K and a 4” USB fan for now (I just put the fan in today). Is there a time limit on the fan or should it be on constantly?

Glad to be a part of the community!



Well-Known Member
Some of the membrane from the inside of the shell is still attached.......mist it with water to soften it and gently remove with a toothpick or tweezers.


Thanks Mick, noted that last night and helped it off with a tweezer successfully. Little girl looked sad but I am giving it the day today under light and see what takes place. 6 hour dark period didn't do much to bring it up. I feel like I am being a bit impatient too, and expecting it to grow at the same speed as the other seed (same batch) but I know no two seeds are the same. thanks for your reply.


bit of an update on the little fella, the first set of leafs weren't able to stand and completely falling over. I tried to support them with a paper clip which didn't go well. I wanted to see if there was any root development and it had grown quite a bit (2 inches). I replanted it for now, covering it with a pinch of soil. Is this going to recover or no chance? I know it's weed so it can be a toughie; but there's no more husk protecting the leaves.
