Seed help for outdoor grow in ontario


hi all,
I'm new to the world of grow and am looking for a little help from you sucsessful growers. I am from BC but am thinking about an outdoor ontario grow next year. I will be growing on the canadian shield maning lots of granite, pines, oak, streams and swamps. i am planning to bring in oil to mix with the natural stuff and will be around to water and fetilize. I will start from seed in the winter growing indoor and clone so i have strong small plants to put out after frost.

1. i am thinking about growing puprle, kush and pinewarp. are thoughs god strains for the area given temperture and humidity? any recomondations?

2 i would be in a pretty isolated area that is not known for growing, but am thinking about small groups of plants spread out over a large area (miles). should i worry about planes and hele's? what is the best way to hide from the sky?

3 Are there any strains that would like go grow in a marshy bog area?



Well-Known Member
and also you need to find a strain that doesnt attract to much pest, and be prepared for animals chewing your plant. id love to grow agent orange from tga outdoors...


Active Member
,,,it would tell you if the plants can survive the winter
Lmao! 'Not a chance' is the answer to that.

Indicas. The limiting factor here is time, the growing season will be a lot shorter than you are used to. May 24 - mid October (maybe a little longer in a good year.), getting shorter as you move North.

The zones range from 4 down on the shield, 5-6 in southern Ontario. Soil is typically on the sandy side

Small groupings is the way to go, and yes, they put pork choppers in the air, usually in the fall.

I doubt you will be in an area not known for growing unless you go North of Cochrane.

Please be a responsible grower and use organic fertilizers. Synths upset the natural balance of the soil. Organics leach less.


Well-Known Member
friesland is an old school outdoor plant from the original seed bank, think it was dubbed m33 if im not mistaken. its a heavy indica, huge producer, and early finisher. we sometimes see the first batches start coming in the first week of sept. every year. from what i've been told by a few biker friends, thats the main outdoor strain in easter canada. should be fairly easy to obtain if you know anyone in the mj community. gl


Active Member
Thanx if it's from the original seed bank then Nevil should have some info about it. I will be asking about trying to get my hands on it.


Well-Known Member
i live in pennsylvania... our summers are hot and humid here... so i was looking for strains that were mold and mildew resistant. I would recommend you check out Mandala Seeds website. they have a lot of good info and a map that is very detailed to help you choose a strain that is appropriate for your area. I would say that the 2 strains i chose would be good choices for you as well. Hashberry is very mould and pest resistant and is described as "hard to kill". Mandala #1 is the strain they describe as their best northern strain... it too is very mould and mildew resistant and is one of their fastest finishers. it is also supposed to have some very attractive purple phenotypes. "8 miles high" is probably going to be my next purchase... looks very good as well.