seed germination


Active Member
Hey, I have a question about seed germination.

I have done the whole towel thing, which leads to a small little white stem sticking out, the radicle?

Anyways, after the radicle pops out, is that when I place the seed in my grow medium?

Also, the grow medium I use is Jeffy pellets, which expand after you add water to them. Has anyone ever used them?

When placing the seeds in the growing medium, what am i looking for? The last seeds I planted, the grow medium would get really hot, and i think i watered it too much. I would touch the soil and a little moisture would be on my finger tips. Is that too much? About how dry should the medium be?

I have 3 reading lamp type lights that use 60 watt CFL. It makes the growing medium really warm, maybe even a little hot, especially when I place the humidity hood on the tray.

Should I plant the germinated seed in less moist growing medium? How about the lights? Are they too hot?


Well-Known Member
yes thats when u plant them, the pellats are alright to use just soak them in water for a while wait till there plump, stick ur seeds in tail down and keep em moist till it popos outa the soil the soak it and transplant, personally i think jiffy mix in jiffy cups works easiest for seeds but those work too


Well-Known Member
I use this method

1 - distilled water in a shot glass
2 - put seeds in the shot glass with the water
3 - wait till they have a 1'' tap root
4 - soake the Jiffy pucks in water that has B-1 Thrive (1 mill per 1L and 5 drops of Kick start)
5 - Water using B-1 Thrive when needed
6 - Plant into MG medium when they get their first actual set of leafs
7 - mix 2ml of B-1 Thrive for 1L of water plus 5 drops of Kick Start to the water
8 - place under CFL (2 inches from the top, raise it when they get taller)
9 - start feeding half an 8th strength 20-20-20 plant food once they are 1 month old

doing this method I have never gotten a burned plant


Well-Known Member
Hey we use Jiffy pots for our seed germ. and when we grow from clones. We have always had success using them. Always stick the seed in tail down and always moisten your soil before you put in it the pot. The lights are not to hott at all you could even do it under a Metal Halide. You want to make sure that they stay moist during this period. It is really easy to over water to be careful not to water too much. Your medium should be dry enough so that when you pick it up it should fall apart in your hands. Make sure your soil isn't too barky either.

Hope this helps, keep us posted on how your grow goes. :)


Active Member
what do you think of the humidity hood? it increased the temp of the growing medium really high, and it kept it kinda soggy. is the hood supposed to be used for clones only, since they receive their moisture through their leaves?

because i have been using it for seed germination/early seedling stage, which is kinda stupid...


Well-Known Member
what do you think of the humidity hood? it increased the temp of the growing medium really high, and it kept it kinda soggy. is the hood supposed to be used for clones only, since they receive their moisture through their leaves?

because i have been using it for seed germination/early seedling stage, which is kinda stupid...
that's not stupid at all - those humidity domes are good for both seedlings and clones. all plants - seedlings to full-grown receive the great majority of their moisture through their roots - not the leaves. in fact - you don't have to foliar feed at all.


Active Member
goddamn mother fucker. it seems like the jeffy pellets are heaving the seeds out of the grow medium. i am really starting to get fucking frustrated. FUCK FUCK FUCK. i am so goddamn fucking pissed. i just wasted 50 bucks buying these fucking seeds too. goddamn mother fucker.

after placing the seeds in the grow medium, how long should i expect to wait before seeing any type of sprouting that breaks through the topsoil?



Active Member
sorry for flipping out. i just noticed some things that i have questions about. the jeffy pellets: is it normal for them to kind of break into "layers" of dirt? cuz when i was messing with them earlier, they kinda broke into about .5-1" layers.

ok. and also, i am using regular tap water. both for when i germinated them, and also for keeping the pellets moist. is that a bad thing? i noticed that if i pour out a lot of water into a cup at once, it is kinda cloudy for a few seconds. then it gets clear. is that a sign of a high PPM in the tap water?

thanks for your help. this is my very very very first grow, and though i'm very frustrated, i am going to keep buying damn seeds till i get it straight. haha.


Well-Known Member
usaly when u talk tap water it might look cloudy , it will go away after a bit and i've had seeds that tool 7 days to brake the serface , but using B-1 Thive could help then to grow faster but its 1 to 2ml of B-1 Thive to 1L of water


Well-Known Member
It is normal (but no less irritating) for seedlings to sometimes push themselves out of the growing medium. gently place it back in - gently being the key world.

i don't use jiffy pellets so can't say if that is normal or not - but all you need is to keep the seed in place until you get it into the permanent home.

you do not want seedlings to dry out - but you don't want them soaking wet either.

i agree with FrostickZero regarding the tap water - it does that pouring it into a glass. But it is always good to know your PPM and pH so a meter is useful - and a good investment (especially for hydro).

And there is a lesson to be learned here - do not put all your seeds into one basket - especially if you are new to growing or new to the strain. much better to try a few to see how the plants grow. and if you want to experiment with germinating - then use bag - not bought - seeds.


Well-Known Member
It is normal (but no less irritating) for seedlings to sometimes push themselves out of the growing medium. gently place it back in - gently being the key world.
I use Jiffy pucks and I've had clones come right out of the pucks cuz of the roots and have had roots form above the medium to

And there is a lesson to be learned here - do not put all your seeds into one basket - especially if you are new to growing or new to the strain. much better to try a few to see how the plants grow. and if you want to experiment with germinating - then use bag - not bought - seeds.
yes i've watched videos saying 5 out of 10 will be females, expect 2 to die off

and i'd say out of thoes 3 expect 1 or 2 of them to be the better smoke out of the 3


Well-Known Member
I use Jiffy pucks and I've had clones come right out of the pucks cuz of the roots and have had roots form above the medium to

yes i've watched videos saying 5 out of 10 will be females, expect 2 to die off

and i'd say out of thoes 3 expect 1 or 2 of them to be the better smoke out of the 3
there are videos saying that? i had to learn that lesson the hard way ... damn!