Seed Germination


Active Member
I have about 20 seeds total (bagseed). I attempted to germinate about 7 of those the paper towel method and 48 hours later, nothing.

Are there any pointers that you guys can give me for successful germination? I really want to get this underway, and can't seem to catch a break :(




Well-Known Member
I have about 20 seeds total (bagseed). I attempted to germinate about 7 of those the paper towel method and 48 hours later, nothing.

Are there any pointers that you guys can give me for successful germination? I really want to get this underway, and can't seem to catch a break :(
Have you read the FAQ on it?


Active Member
Have you read the FAQ on it?
Yeah, that's why I was getting says that all viable seeds should show the taproot within 24 hours, but mine have not.

I'm going to try 3 or 4 more by placing them in my growing medium and under a light to see if they germinate faster...



Well-Known Member
like i said have patience, also wouldnt be a bad idea to have backup seeds germing in case the first batch dont sprout


Well-Known Member
place seeds in a dark warm closet/simliar. Place kitchen towel on a saucer and place seeds in. Water until saturated and place saucer in a plastic bag (dont tie the bag, just fold it over). Ive had 2seeds germining now for 36hours, nothing. be patient like everyone os saying. My last bunch were through after 48hours.


Active Member
Cool. I have my original batch of seeds germinating the paper towel method. For a backup, I went to Home Depot, and bought one of those "Mini Greenhouses" that are made for germing seeds.

I'm sure I'll have questions as this is the first time.



Well-Known Member
get some 1 gallonglad storage containers. put your seeds in a paper towel .
then put it on a heating pad set on low. thatis how i germed my bag seeds.
i started seeing tap roots in 1 or 2 dayshad 1 sed that took over 1 month to grt started. its verybusy nownot very tall. its is doing very well even after my 150w cfl died now on life suport 3 23w cfls till i can get a new bulbjust give it time. don't be in a hury weed hoper. you didn't grow to your size over night.


Well-Known Member
mine took a good 3-4 days, i put them in paper towel and in a dark area, all of them sprouted.. this method usually works well for me.

420 growers

Active Member
could be that the water isnt getting to the roots if you get a empty match book and put some sand paper in it and shake it for a minute then germinate it the water can reach the inside and it will begin to grow


Active Member
Well, I just checked the seeds this morning, and there were very tiny spots of mold on the paper towel.

I changed the paper towel, flushed the seeds with distilled water and folded the paper towel over them. THen I put the plate in a plastic bag, folded it over and placed them back in the cabinet.



Well-Known Member
dont listen to this crap. I just germinated 11 BB seeds with the napkin and plate method. I placed the seeds evenly on top of two napkins on a plate, saturated w/ distilled water and covered with 2 more napkins and another plate. I also put them on a heat pad and kept them wet checking them about 3 times a day. 2 days(no crap) later they all germinated and some had developed leaves. 3 weeks later, I now have 9 strong BB ready to be moved to 600w hps.


Active Member
Haha none of u suck as much as me, i got 8 seeds on the 12th, its now the 27th and they still havn't sprouted. I put some straight into pots (with seed raising soil guarenteed to germinate - maybe i could get my money back except i'd have to tell them they were weed seeds haha). A couple in damp paper towels in a plastic bag, and one straight into the garden where everything else i planted grew within a couple days. I used mineral water, kept them above 21 degree's, and everything else days of reading taught me.

Ahh what a waist of $100 and hours of dreaming about being weed-independent. They're lowryder 2's to so kinda disappointed after all the hype. You's know of anyone having problems with seeds from they looked ok when i got them but its hard to tell.


Active Member
Ok turns out they musta got to dry one day and died, now thats a $100 mistake i wont make again! I think the spring sun here in Aus was to harsh, it needed way more watering. You gotta keep it moist at all times! i was more concerned about getting it maximum sun, and thought watering all the time would cool it down and slow down germination. My advise to other newbies as simple as me is use the cup of water method, its hard to go wrong there and have no chance of drying them out (the number one killer of our precious!).


Well-Known Member
Me I just take a paper towel, film or pill container and spread out my seeds in the towel, four per row folding as I go, completely drench it with water fold and shove in container put in dresser drawer with lid off, usually the following day some will have popped as others take longer or just don't pop at all.

If you are using bag seeds the chances are you will have more that don't pop than ones that do.


Active Member
Hey everybody i had a seed germinating and now it has popped its head out of the 1x1 rockwool cube but its young and it still has its shell from the seed on it.. would it hurt if i took it off for the plant so it can start growing faster??? If anybody can help i would highly appreciate it , thanks ,:peace:


Well-Known Member
just leave the shell on.. the shell will be ontop of the soil and you'll have a nice set of cotyledon leaves showing in the morning


New Member
I put mine in a pill bottle with sandpaper in it and shake them around for a little bit. Then I take the sand paper out of the bottle and filled it about 1/4 full. Then I set the bottle in the corner of my grow cabinet (leave the cap off the bottle) where it's nice and wam and toss a rag over it so the lights aren't hitting it. There were tap roots showing out of cracks 2 days later. Plant those in pre-moistened soil. Keep in mind that when potting soil dries out it is hard to rehydrate.

I water my seedlings by putting water in a bowl and setting the pot in it. That way they don't wash around when you water them and so the roots will be encouraged to grow down toward the water.

I have always had more luck this way than with the paper towel method.