Seed Germination


Active Member
try leting them soak in a cup of water untill they crack or put them on a plate in a paper towel on top of your cable box they will crack nice and fast up their. its nice and warm


Active Member
I have same prob I always have been able to germ no prob..
10shaman seeds from bc 2 cracked died.
5 NLxH one over night --very good germ 10 days old..
5 Jack Hr not a one -- 12 days now??
Im thinking not bad as i have never been able to get this kinda strain until now haha.. Please respond with your luck no luck!!
see ya..

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Mine took 2-3 days...damp kitchen roll in a bag in the airing cupboard, think it was 40 hours or something - they were so far ahead the seed casing had come off!


Active Member
I have germinated my seeds and just placed them in small cups underneath 6 cfl lights and am wondering how much / often should i be watering them now. When I planted them, I drenched the cups in water and let the excess fall out the bottom (i made holes and stuff). But now I am unsure how much to water them. I ordered a moisture meter but it hasn't arrived yet. Has anyone found a good amout for seedlings at this stage?


New Member
Different people have different ways of doing things. I like to keep mine moist, not soaking, but moist.

When they sprout I like to water them by setting their pots in a bowl of water so the bottom of the pot gets most of the wetness. That encourages the roots to grow downward.


Active Member
This is my first grow but for my first germ (started day before yesterday) I took my seeds and put them in a cup of water for 24 hours. Then the next day when they had all sunk to the bottom I put them into a fairly moist paper towel.

Then I set the fairly moist towel with my seeds inside into a small plate/saucer then covered it with another plate/saucer of the same size upside down. The plates on top of each other gives them the dark place they like while they germ so the room doesn't have to be completely dark.Then I put that shiz on top of my cable box and it keeps them nice and cozy.

I got lucky and about 15 of my 20 bag seeds started showing a taproot by 24 hours.

I've also heard of people lightly scuffing the seeds to help them pop easier.

As I said this is my first grow so I'm by no means an expert but I've read until my eyes burn and this is what worked for me. Thanks a lot guys for all the great knowledge you're nice enough to enlighten us all with.

Forgot to say, it sucks to wait but be patient and you should be golden. ;)