Seed germination question

Sal Locc

Active Member
Newbie question. I have some seeds that had popped out of jiffy tubes and the first two leaves are comming up. I need to know if I water these jiffy tubes. I think too much and am worried that I,might over water them. Can some one please advise me?
From what I understand, you should let it dry out before watering. Learn to feel the weight as a good indication of when to water. Apparently as it dries, the roots will "reach" for the water resulting in a stronger root system. Often the top will feel dry but it is still moist underneath. You plants should be fine but let them dry out a bit.

I'm still very much a noob though so take that with a grain of salt.


Well-Known Member
I never water my seedlings, but I also don't let them dry out. I think it would be better to mist than to water at this stage.
I use peat pellets and dont water the first two weeks....


give them a spray with ph water evry few hours the run off will keep them moist enough.cover them with some sort of clear plastic cut juice bottles . cling film and keep humidty up .