Seed germination problems!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

Lil' Dev

I am FRUSTRATED beyond belief! I have wasted about 30 VALUABLE seeds because of this problem!! I have tried every method in the book! I start by either the paper towel method or the cup if water method to pop seeds. After that I place seed in either the jiffy cubes or (treated) rockwool blocks. I then place them in tray with the dome on & off (tried both separately) for humidity. I have tried putting them under the lights, not under the lights! Only to have them NOT sprout!! When I go to check them I have been faced with the seed loses it's tail because it looks like it may have rotted, the inside of the seed is mushy when I squeeze it, or there is some sort of mold growing around the seed!! (most often problem) I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO & IM LOSING A SH*T LOAD OF MONEY!!! SEEDS ARNT CHEAP!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
I soak for 24 to 48 hours in tap water. After the first 12 hours or so be sure to give the seed a tap with a fingertip so it sinks to the bottom. You should see your seed pop within 48 hours or less, I usually wait til they show a little white from the inside. I use a decent potting soil - avoid Miracle Grow Soil - wet it good then wring it with your hands til no water drips. Tamp the soil down into your pot to close up air pockets, being careful not to pack it too firmly. Plant the seed between 1/8" to 1/4", no deeper. Lighty mist the soil a few times to settle the seed, then dome it to keep it moist til it sprouts. Don't open the dome, dig it up to check on it, water it, or otherwise disturb the seed until it sprouts - maybe a few days, then remove the dome and grow on.
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I'm not sure why people do this, but your drowing your seeds.

They need heat, light, and water. Put in a moist jiffy pellet(I personally recommend getting root riots), put in your tray with dome, put a low intensity light like a cfl or T5 over them immediately, and if you really really really want to kick start the process, a heat mat works wonders. Seeds and clones like it hot, the seedmat made my success rate for both get close to 100%

The only thing you don't absolutely need is the dome, I usually take mine off as soon as I have sprouts.

If the seeds are good you should have healthy sprouts in 5 days or less.

Don't over water. I MIGHT have to add a tiny bit of water ONCE before they sprout, but usually not. Don't over water.
Paper Towel and cup of water really isn't needed and only creates the opportunity for human error - handling seeds at arguably their most fragile state. We are trying to immitate nature. Seeds have evolved for thousands of years to sprout in the warm spring ground.
Thank u guyz for the input. But the problem is not so much getting the seed to pop itz more the process after that. I can't get them to sprout. Something is happening or NOT happening that is preventing them from sprouting. The mold growing around the outside of the seed, the mushy insides after a few days of sitting in the jiffy pellets or rockwool. Im not sure what's going on.
I'm not sure why people do this, but your drowing your seeds.
Uh, thats bullshit.
I think the reason most people use one method or another to germ outside soil is to check viability. No point planting a dud.
Fuck that high school science project bull shit listen to squid people that soak in a cup just dont have patience they wana see that seed hull crack but at that point most have bloated and will dampen off just my exp

I my self take a lil different approach but for you I recommend what he said

biggest thing is not having you plugs too dry soak em and wing it out just enough to were its getting airy or else yer seeds will rot

Dont want to start a war but
And the no point in planting a dud doesnt cut it for me no hate intended
it does not take a lot of room or geear to properly pop seeds
I'm a newbie killed alot of plants say the least I think I got the style that I'm m using for now on its works for me so maybe can try it pretty simple and I'm sure not the neat way bit I grow for me and me alone so i won't mind take a small jewelry bag I use from when I found it ssshhh then just filled with water put inside the seed in it closed up out inside a cup incase it leaked only reason then put it in cabinet 24 hours or so them open bag pour into paper towel remove bag dump seed into it if not rooted close paper towels put back in cup in drawer then back2 days later they ready
Hey @thatguytom do not take this bad as I once did the same as you with cups n towles.

but after you advance you realize that all that extra "stuff" does not really HELP the plant
yes it makes it sprout.
but we want it to sprout without any unneeded stress which soaking for too long can do .
as well as paper towel germination .

like I said absolutely no hate the caps are for highlights
I agree with the above. I am a complete newbie but have managed to germinate 29 outta 30 seeds by simply planting in rockwool and placing them on a heat mat. Just shake your rockwool out a bit so its not completely soaked, you can always add water if needed later should it start drying out. I leave them in the dark until they sprout and then place them in light as a precaution. As said above we are just trying to duplicate their natural environment and the better we duplicate the better the results. If you have followed all the steps and still not getting 90%+ success rate I would look into an alternate seed bank.
no worries I'm hear to learn buddy I'm the newbie lost a solid friend now gotta get the quality on my own hopefully and I'm always looking to improve I really enjoy the indoor gardening at night since ADHD and never seem to fall sleep but got really discouraged after all that my last almost success grow died on me basically got a zip and a half off 4 plants I smoke way way more than that I'm that in a month but I so have another thread in asking help on if anyone likes ton chime in awesome and how do I like someone comments?
I agree with the above. I am a complete newbie but have managed to germinate 29 outta 30 seeds by simply planting in rockwool and placing them on a heat mat. Just shake your rockwool out a bit so its not completely soaked, you can always add water if needed later should it start drying out. I leave them in the dark until they sprout and then place them in light as a precaution. As said above we are just trying to duplicate their natural environment and the better we duplicate the better the results. If you have followed all the steps and still not getting 90%+ success rate I would look into an alternate seed bank.
Hmmm much promis in this one (in yoda voice)
my regime is this I scuff my seeds lightly! With 220 grit then I do a 4 hr or under soak (this is where folks run into probs) no paper towle SHIT.
GO STRAIGHT into( sterilized) medium that you prefer .
you can use a heat pad but unless there colder then 60 degrees no need.
put them in dark dome covered tray till they sprout then tur the lights on after they poke there heads out.
no worries I'm hear to learn buddy I'm the newbie lost a solid friend now gotta get the quality on my own hopefully and I'm always looking to improve I really enjoy the indoor gardening at night since ADHD and never seem to fall sleep but got really discouraged after all that my last almost success grow died on me basically got a zip and a half off 4 plants I smoke way way more than that I'm that in a month but I so have another thread in asking help on if anyone likes ton chime in awesome and how do I like someone comments?
I hear ya bro thats why I said no hate I want you to learn :)
Just follow squids advice and weedmiller my style is a lil more advanced (not hard you just have to pay attention) both will get you what you want

STRESSFREE seedlings
I am FRUSTRATED beyond belief! I have wasted about 30 VALUABLE seeds because of this problem!! I have tried every method in the book! I start by either the paper towel method or the cup if water method to pop seeds. After that I place seed in either the jiffy cubes or (treated) rockwool blocks. I then place them in tray with the dome on & off (tried both separately) for humidity. I have tried putting them under the lights, not under the lights! Only to have them NOT sprout!! When I go to check them I have been faced with the seed loses it's tail because it looks like it may have rotted, the inside of the seed is mushy when I squeeze it, or there is some sort of mold growing around the seed!! (most often problem) I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO & IM LOSING A SH*T LOAD OF MONEY!!! SEEDS ARNT CHEAP!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
I put in paper towl soon as seed crack I transfer to pot
In my younger days, I would try all of the "germ tricks". But as I got wiser and lazier, I just started dropping them in root cubes from the beginning. Unless it's above 75 I use a heat mat because seeds like around 80 to germ. I get 90% on my seeds. Your issue sounds a lot like too much moisture/humidity after the seed cracks. Squid's advice was right on.IMO
In my younger days, I would try all of the "germ tricks". But as I got wiser and lazier, I just started dropping them in root cubes from the beginning. Unless it's above 75 I use a heat mat because seeds like around 80 to germ. I get 90% on my seeds. Your issue sounds a lot like too much moisture/humidity after the seed cracks. Squid's advice was right on.IMO
Ding ding ding we got another winner
I just dont use a heat mat at the moment cause im trying to see if female's increase
I will say that I DO NOT recommend rockwool for a begginer, especially without a heatmat.

Rockwool works fine, but it's a disaster for newbies-in my humble opinion of course :)

I feel like its really hard to judge how wet or dry they are and it's easy to oversaturate them and cause damping off.

I steer newbies away from rockwool, espeically since depending on where you get it you may need to treat them, or the ph will be off. There's just too much room for error.

I could be biased though, as rockwool is the only medium I consistently have terrible results with, lol.

and because when I first started growing I killed about $300.00 worth of genetics keeping the cubes to wet - fudge rw :)