Seed from Purple Haze nug


Active Member
I know that this has probably been talked about before here but I haven't been able to find the exact answer if there is a sure one. My friend brought around a half oz of Purple Haze back from California (from a shop, he knew a guy who has a card). Anyways through the course of smoking this bud we found 1 single seed throughout the whole half. My friend decided to give it to me.

Well here we are a month later and I have a 2 foot bushy "?Purple Haze?" plant in my fire escape (perfect grow room, good humidity, its like a green house) about ready to flower, or sex at least.

I guess my question is, do I have a pp haze plant or a cross between that and some other fire plant that somehow pollinated the haze? Or maybe the seed is some sort of mutation that will only grow into a hermie. I know that there couldn't have been any males to pollinate her because from my understanding they only use clones from mother plants. If someone has some experience or helpful insight on this I would really appreciate it.


Active Member
My mistake, I ment PURPLE KUSH. Anyways she has gotten alot bushier and only a little taller so I suspect she is at least half purple kush. Oh yes and I did say she, it isn't a hermie or a male. It's a big beautiful female! Just started budding about a week ago. I've already taken two clones off of her and they are rooted. I also topped her at about the fifth node and she responded wonderfully, popping several shoots within only a couple of days.

I'm gonna go take some pics of her now and try to figure out how to upload them on here. Feel free to comment
probably self pollinated, maybe 1 single flower on the whole plant, could be genetic hermie if this is the case the seed may also hermie. if the plant hermied because of stress by the grower the seed should grow fine as it is will not have hermie in it's genes. If the mother is purple kush the seed should be as well. with the slight chance of rogue pollen it will be a cross breed


Active Member
Thanks for the input, I was kind of thinking the same thing but really couldn't be sure. So far all I see are white hairs and no sacs so I can't complain. I got those pictures taken too. Feel free to offer some advice based on what you see.083.jpg085.jpg087.jpg086.jpg082.jpg084.jpg


Active Member
Another thing, it has shown sex but it is getting 14.5 to 15 hours of sun a day and will be for about 2 more months. Any ideas on if she will continue to bud or if she has already reverted to veg? Cause the days have been getting longer and won't begin shortening for almost a month.


Active Member
what happened to this plant, im actually quite anxious
Hey Juno sorry my reply is 10 years late.. This happened when I lived in my parents house and my mom was not happy to find it as she was against marijuana at that point so she ripped the plant.
The story has a happy ending though, through the years I managed to convert her from the dark side and get her high many times, she has even helped me work on some guerilla grows which she loves very much!