Seed colors…same plant, different sizes and colors


Well-Known Member
Hey Folks!

I've always bought my genetics, and therefore seed color, size and shape are pretty uniform in a 10 pack. But a good friend just gifted me a small batch of 50 seeds from some random weed she bought a year ago and really liked.

The seeds vary a lot. Some are large and green-brown, like a general indica seed. Some are medium sized, more light gray. And then some are very pale -- almost a creamy white.

I've read white mean nonviable. True? For germination success, are the green-brown ones a better bet than the light gray? Is it just a crap shoot?

Thanks for any input,


Active Member
All normal.

white does not mean nonviable unless its straight white and small with no stripes.
I've planted white seeds that were fine, they were normal size though.


Well-Known Member
All normal.

white does not mean nonviable unless its straight white and small with no stripes.
I've planted white seeds that were fine, they were normal size though.
Great! Thanks for the info! I'm doing Pennywise/God's Gift next, but after that I'm going to have a "bag seed grow" with a few mystery seeds.