seed advice


Active Member
Hi everyone hope your all well?
ok so heres my problem, hope you can help?
The guy who usually suplies me with my cuttings has unfortunately been locked up and I cant find anyone else who supplies them so im gonna have to grow from seed, ive found a good supplier (attitude seeds) but heres my problem = i have never grown from seed before, any advice on which strain i should go for? as far as i can work out is it a case of germinating seeds taking clones from them (labelled with respecting numbers to their mothers putting mothers on 12/12 determining their sex and then putting my effort into the clones which i know will be fem? also does anybody know average ratios if for instance i bought 10 feminised seeds roughly how many would germinate & would all these be fem? any help & advice greatly appreciated guys?
all the best


Well-Known Member
Pick whatever strain you want, it's all good. If you buy 10 fem seeds they will be fem. You can usually expect 90% germ rate, at least that's whay mine has been for 2 feminized seed grows.


Active Member
Pick whatever strain you want, it's all good. If you buy 10 fem seeds they will be fem. You can usually expect 90% germ rate, at least that's whay mine has been for 2 feminized seed grows.

thanks man, much appreciated! happy growing.


Well-Known Member
locked up ? hmmm locked up for growing ? if so I dont know what the situation is but becarefull you could be under watch


Active Member
locked up ? hmmm locked up for growing ? if so I dont know what the situation is but becarefull you could be under watch

lol thanks for the concern mate but no, the guys a degenerate wife beater, just grew for profit, might of been a nice guy if he smoked his own merchandise? rofl


Active Member
sorry guys just one more quick question. whats the best way to get the seeds started? can i just drop them in them grodan propagation plugs or is there more to it? sorry for being a dummy but really aint got a clue when it comes to seeds? lol


Well-Known Member
I never use any other seed company than attitude seeds i normaly get about 8 out of 10 but if you germanate them all prop and keep an eye on them you should get all 10 or 5 depending on order.If it's your first time growing from seed go for female thet way you can be sure that all your seeds are girls.I use 2 small tea saucers one with toilet/kitchen roll on place some water i put superthrive in mine but i have done them without and they sill worked i just think that little bit of help gives them the best start spray kitchen roll till wet then place the other saucer on top makeing sur that seeds don't dry out some will come before others so dont think the ones that aint come yet are no good.As soon has root starts to show i make a hole about 5mm deep put seed in with root down and take a small piece of the cube to cover the seed only the littlest bit put them somewhere warm and dark during the germanation period.Has soon has there in cubes put them in a propagation unit till roots show through bottom of 2 ince cube.good luck DON'T LET THEM DRY OUT.


Well-Known Member
If all else fails, read the faq:

Here's what I do:

1. Soak seeds in a glass of water for 12 hours.

2. Place between two moist paper towels and keep moist(not soaking wet). Don't use cheap paper towels either, as they'll ball up and become a problem when you want to remove the germed seeds.

3. Wait until the rootlets are about .635cm long before planting in the plugs.

4. Pre-drill a hole in the plug with a chopstick or something.

5. Place the seeds in the plugs with the rootlet down, alittle less than 1cm deep. You can pinch a bit of plug from a corner and loosely cover the hole.

6. Keep HID lights a few feet away, CFL's and fluoros can go much closer. I like to start 18/6 lighting as soon as I plant. If you have a humidity dome, use it until your seeds sprout about "ground."

7. Water the plug 2-3x per day, but don't water unless the plug dries out a bit. Don't soak the hell out of them, just make sure they're damp.

8. Give them at least a week or two to develop a strong root system before you transplant.

That's about it.