Security Smarts, Removing information from photos


Staff member
Prior to uploading on riu you can remove sensitive security information from your photos.
Most regular cameras will displace things like time,shutter speed etc.
However iphones and androids and other cellular devices often leave behind a GPS trail in the photos possible outing your location. It is best to remove your location so you can have peace of mind.

Generally our users would not disclose your location nor look for it, however this simple trick will help you to have peace of mind :D

You will need the use of a computer to upload your photos onto from your mobile device.
Excuse my goofy looking dog .

Open the photo , and right hand click "Properties (highlighted below)"


Click the circled area "Remove properties & Personal Information"

STEP 3: Click " Remove the following properties from this file" and then click "Select All" & "Okay"
Now you're ready to upload!
lets not make people more paranoid than they already are, this isnt a discussion thread its a how to.
thats it. questions on how to will be answered here,
dont hijack support threads please
Does a screen shot on a pic contain data?
the most anyone needs to be concerned about is what i previous stated, just iphones, androids, cellular devices, they often contain a GPS location in the file data , it does take some sort of knowledge to exact these informations, but i know alot of people have asked how to do it.

things like shutter speed, and what computer or resolution arent going to give up your personal security

If it helps these particular photos were indeed screenshots from my computer and contained little information
It depends on model of phone.

Turn location off in settings.

Anyone concerned you can get exif viewer from the play store. It shows all data. With location off on my particular phone the GPS location is blank.

It only shows basic info about the camera.
Also some new regular cameras store GPS location.

Good info sunni.

Edit. I downloaded random pics from the site and used exif viewer and data was not there.
It depends on model of phone.

Turn location off in settings.

Anyone concerned you can get exif viewer from the play store. It shows all data. With location off on my particular phone the GPS location is blank.

It only shows basic info about the camera.
Also some new regular cameras store GPS location.

Good info sunni.

Edit. I downloaded random pics from the site and used exif viewer and data was not there.

Good to know.
There's apps that will wipe any data from the pics too. I forget what it's called. I haven't used them. I know people who do.
There's apps that will wipe any data from the pics too. I forget what it's called. I haven't used them. I know people who do.
First I wondered if a screenshot would keep the metadata but it would only change the location I believe not delete the info all together. I also read that safari does it by default. Check out this site, shows you all the metadata and more.

"During the file upload, Mobile Safari actively strips out all metadata and re-compresses the picture at a low quality. This means that the analyzers on this site will provide virtually no useful information about your picture. For example, Error Level Analysis and JPEG % will identify the resave by Safari and not the original picture. Mobile Safari also strips out the original metadata and substitutes its own, so metadata analysis will be of little use. "

Oh and heres that APP. its called Ready Or Not?

I opted out of the location services when I first downloaded IG because I'm paranoid by nature(I have a piece of tape on my webcam at home...).
Upon further investigation I found that you can block your camera on you iphone from collecting your location all together. Which I guess I had done when I first got my phone.(I'm paranoid, did I mention that?)

Go to:
Settings > General > Restrictions > Location Services > Camera(or which ever app you want) and select Never.
Upon further investigation I found that you can block your camera on you iphone from collecting your location all together. Which I guess I had done when I first got my phone.(I'm paranoid, did I mention that?)

Go to:
Settings > General > Restrictions > Location Services > Camera(or which ever app you want) and select Never.
Do you happen know how to remove all this information on a mac?