Security Measures (protecting your investment)


Well-Known Member
Haha get a lion

Honestly man you have to have dogs. You can build security systems and all. But nothing is as scary as loud barking dogs when your trying to break through that security.

Oh and the fear of having your head blown off. So the NRA stickers and dog/trespassing warning signs are to install fear.

Your average person can't carry out any form of robbery when they are sweatin bullets. Good Luck. Sounds like a nice op you have planned


Well-Known Member
I don't get out much and have dogs on alert but when I leave and it is high time I leave the tube on and even electrified the doorknob to the room with enough juice to slow them down and re-think the idea.


Well-Known Member
12 monsters. It may be hard to block from view.
listen to GB he pulls off 20+ monster plants every year and dosnt have any ripper problems

best idea stay awake at noight with them for the last month take shifts with a couple friends.

motion detectors and those lights that come on with motion is good too scares people away.


From what I heard rippers aren't even interested until it starts to flower. They will let you do all the work then just rip you off when all the hard work is done.

Thank you for all the kind positive feedback. I don't mean any harm to anyone. I want to do this the right way.


Well-Known Member
I know they like to have u do all the work but a lot will rip ur bud prematurely because they don't care it's all profit to them so I'm just saying that whole last month of flowed and on threw drying be sleeping right next to that stuff armed and with dogs if it makes ya feel better


Thanks for the advice. Once it starts flowering I will have some close friends out there. I may just have to fly a buddy out from the Lou that owns a small arsenal of guns. That dude doesn't sleep at night anyways.


Well-Known Member
Haha lots of Lou dudes doing work in Fresno ca u should look it up like 40 acre farms and shit haha crazy but yeah he sounds like a good idea.

My little patch of 50 will start to be accompanied by me shortly ha another 2 weeks or so then tent life for me.