Security Measures (protecting your investment)


I am sorry if there is another post on this already. I have a property but it is pretty out in the open in the desert. I am building a 20x70 greenhouse that stands 18 ft tall at the peak. I have a house on my property. There is also a fence around the property. I was also going to add an additional fence around the perimeter 5 ft off the greenhouse 6 ft tall with barbed wire. My concern is security measures. I don't want to work all this hard to have some lazy ripper come out and rob me come harvest time. Any thoughts? I figured this would be a good topic for discussion.


Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Don't tell anyone, multiple layers of fencing, privacy landscaping, or block from view with a RV/Storage container, many dogs, motions lights, silent alarms on exterior gates, and pre dug ripper burial sites :) Good Luck. also post some pics, sounds like a huge and sweet greenhouse. How many plants are you planning?


Don't tell anyone, multiple layers of fencing, privacy landscaping, or block from view with a RV/Storage container, many dogs, motions lights, silent alarms on exterior gates, and pre dug ripper burial sites :) Good Luck. also post some pics, sounds like a huge and sweet greenhouse. How many plants are you planning?
12 monsters. It may be hard to block from view.


Well-Known Member
I got my dogs for free on craiglist. German shepherd. German shepherd mix n a roti mix. All great guard dogs


Well-Known Member
Dogs or fences don't mean shit when someone puts a gun to your head. Tweekers in the desert are good for that. Hold you at gunpoint and make you trim your crop, shoot your dogs and rape your chick. If our lucky.


Well-Known Member
the only real peace of mind is 24/7 vigilant security. during the peak of the season, i shower with the window open and i shower fast. i sleep fully clothed, shoed, and clutching an axe with a taser on my hip.

fences, barbed wire, and electric fences help, but wire cutters with rubber grips can defeat them.

driveway alarms and motion sensor lights help, but again, they are beeping pieces of plastic without someone there to respond to them.

dogs are some of the best deterrents, but keep in mind that you are putting the poor guys in harm's way should the wrong person pay you a visit. i have a dachshund/corgi alert dog for yappiness and barking, and a great dane/mastiff guard dog for intimidation and personal protection.

boobytraps are generally illegal and can get you in big trouble.

if you have the space, consider putting in a perimeter of loose sand or soil that will show footprints should someone cross it. it will let you know if anyone came by to check things out for a later visit.

setting up tents on the perimeter with lights in them can throw some doubt in the mind of a potential ripper.

video and surveillance systems are also deterrents, but a ski mask can defeat them and they can be costly. i've used fake surveillance cameras before with flashing LEDs and motion activated scan. my neighbors did not know the difference.

let's see, anything else? maybe bells tied to fishing string, tall crops around the perimeter...that's all i have.


Well-Known Member
"an additional fence around the perimeter 5 ft off the greenhouse 6 ft tall with barbed wire."

-That screams look at me something expensive is in hear -

Standard security measures should go a long way


Dogs or fences don't mean shit when someone puts a gun to your head. Tweekers in the desert are good for that. Hold you at gunpoint and make you trim your crop, shoot you dogs and rape your chick. If our lucky.
Its like that? I have neighbors just not real close.


Well-Known Member
Probably won't be the neighbors. Might not be anyone at all. just saying is all. Don't take harvest season lightly . Ub gave good suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Dogs or fences don't mean shit when someone puts a gun to your head. Tweekers in the desert are good for that. Hold you at gunpoint and make you trim your crop, shoot your dogs and rape your chick. If our lucky.
I was just going to say if someone is going to rob you expect dead dogs... Might as well just stay there if you are that paranoid...


Well-Known Member
Anyone seen this show about the Colorado medical club with those two brothers??
Anyway, their shop got robbed in broad day light and the robber BASHED the dudes head in with a crow bar multiple times... If you get pet's expect them dead. Cuz think of it like this, when you rob YOU ROB!! Would you rob someone half assed? let's be honest.


Virtually Unknown Member
Uncle Buck nailed salient points. Sadly, plan on the outside dogs being expendable, early warning soldiers. Inside dogs, not so much and more well trained. Rottweilers and Dobermans would be my first choice, but consider outside temps for the Rotts'. Get training to be VERY good with a pistol as well. And as for expense, what's your life worth? Good Luck


When I had my big field I slept in a tent in the field every night especially on rainy nights, because if I was going to be a ripper I'd do it in the rain when most people are indoors. I had a german shepherd with me, baseball bat, a high powered pellet gun and a 357 on my hip in case things when really bad. I had gotten "Known" for having grown awesome weed and knew people like to brag about what others do so I gave everybody a good reason not to come looking for my weed.

I'm a big guy with a baseball bat, with a big dog and a big gun, not fun to play with at night when your not an invited guest.

What to defeat a ripper, think like a ripper! What would deter you for trying to steal hundred of thousands of dollars worth of weed?

I'm sounding like Bill Murray in Caddyshack, I know but he was on to something...LOL

I knew all I was doing was giving people a good reason to stay home and not try to out smart me, I made people realize, its not worth it to try. Word got around that the crazy bastard (Me) was sleeping in a tent with a gun and German Shepperd and nobody wanted to play. I knew parties were happening where people would be bragging about the guy (Me) would grows killer weed and has a field somewhere and I knew that people would be playing the "What If" game of "what if we went in the rain at night?" So I let it be known that I'd be there and at those parties someone would always reply "You don't understand this guy, He's playin' for keeps and guarding his crop" Somebody always had an answer to the "what if's" so nobody bothered.

You need to do what you need to do depending on your situation. I had to be in my field. Years of growing and too many helpful big mouths made me take drastic measures. I know this much now. Had I not been in that field I would have been Jacked, no question about it. Do whatever would keep you from being tempted. Picture yourself hearing about a greenhouse filled with weed, what would make you say forget about it, can't be done?

People feed dogs hamburg with broken glass and kill dogs. Sick bastards don't have the same values you have. If you use dogs train them to never accept food from a stranger, and only to eat when you give them the command. If using a dog, protect your dog! You owe him that!