Security for Outdoor Grow


Active Member
Hey guys, buying land out in the country for an outdoor grow. I can only be out there once a day for an hour or two. Any ideas to keep people off my property and away from my grow? Wanted to build a simple barbed wire fence around the property, maybe buy some security cameras, set up tripwires for an alarm, maybe razor wire? Companion plants, fake flowers to put on the plants? Getting a couple guard dogs? Any ideas help.:lol:
As someone that lives out in the sticks full time I'd suggest very good physical security if you can't be there full time. Your coming and going daily for short periods of time during the grow season will be noticed by the locals, as you're new and will stick out. It's not hard for them to figure out what you're up to and if anyone has bad intentions they'll just pattern your coming and going and hit your grow.
Game cameras that have Wi-Fi notifications are good if there's a signal or cell phone enabled game cameras are even better but not cheap. They will give you an update every time there's something on the farm that shouldn't be. A good gate to prevent easy vehicle access is also a good idea. People are lazy and don't want to walk 2 miles back to the plants and then drag them back but if they can drive up close and toss em in a trailer it's tempting to them. Hope it works out for you but it would keep me up at night unless it was just a couple throw away plants for fun.
Hey guys, buying land out in the country for an outdoor grow. I can only be out there once a day for an hour or two. Any ideas to keep people off my property and away from my grow? Wanted to build a simple barbed wire fence around the property, maybe buy some security cameras, set up tripwires for an alarm, maybe razor wire? Companion plants, fake flowers to put on the plants? Getting a couple guard dogs? Any ideas help.:lol:

Dogs for people, donkeys for coyotes and deer
As someone that lives out in the sticks full time I'd suggest very good physical security if you can't be there full time. Your coming and going daily for short periods of time during the grow season will be noticed by the locals, as you're new and will stick out. It's not hard for them to figure out what you're up to and if anyone has bad intentions they'll just pattern your coming and going and hit your grow.
Game cameras that have Wi-Fi notifications are good if there's a signal or cell phone enabled game cameras are even better but not cheap. They will give you an update every time there's something on the farm that shouldn't be. A good gate to prevent easy vehicle access is also a good idea. People are lazy and don't want to walk 2 miles back to the plants and then drag them back but if they can drive up close and toss em in a trailer it's tempting to them. Hope it works out for you but it would keep me up at night unless it was just a couple throw away plants for fun.
It's only an acre I'm buying. Nearest neighbor with something built is half a mile away. The vegetation out there is about 5ft tall. I know it won't do much but it provides at least some privacy.
My thoughts, how long or far are you from property. Is it a legal grow? If not , imo cams are worthless. If you can’t inform authorities of tress passers then you just get to watch yourself get robbed. Next the dogs, normally a great choice . My only thoughts are if you aren’t there often and or if anyone thinks they might be neglected you could get a visit as well. Is there even a structure or house on prop? Any fence worth having around an entire acre will be a fortune best to fence in the grow area only.
My thoughts, how long or far are you from property. Is it a legal grow? If not , imo cams are worthless. If you can’t inform authorities of tress passers then you just get to watch yourself get robbed. Next the dogs, normally a great choice . My only thoughts are if you aren’t there often and or if anyone thinks they might be neglected you could get a visit as well. Is there even a structure or house on prop? Any fence worth having around an entire acre will be a fortune best to fence in the grow area only.
It's legal. If I decide to get dogs they will have doghouses with heating. The land is undeveloped. Cops out here take forever to respond to trespassing calls.
It's legal. If I decide to get dogs they will have doghouses with heating. The land is undeveloped. Cops out here take forever to respond to trespassing calls.
Ok next thought. How do you intend to keep the dogs there? Meaning if they’re not chained to doghouses what stops them from going on ventures around the wilderness lol. Also if cops take forever, and im sure its probable considering youd be calling for the to respond basically to an empty or wooded lot so are you willing to confront them? Might not be the best idea for several reasons.
Fencing is good, with barbed wire is OK, but don't use razor wire, first I'll almost guarantee you'll get cut badly putting it up, best installed by experts, second, I think there could be some additional liability using razor wire. We had that stuff where I used to work, ours was special type that would break away and roll up on you if you tried to scale it, really nasty stuff. It was a high security site.
Fencing is good, with barbed wire is OK, but don't use razor wire, first I'll almost guarantee you'll get cut badly putting it up, best installed by experts, second, I think there could be some additional liability using razor wire. We had that stuff where I used to work, ours was special type that would break away and roll up on you if you tried to scale it, really nasty stuff. It was a high security site.
Prison yard?
I think the best you can do in that situation is put the best fence you can around the grow and house dogs inside the grow. That can present issues too but I don’t see cameras or alarms helping if you or authorities wont/ can’t respond
Ok next thought. How do you intend to keep the dogs there? Meaning if they’re not chained to doghouses what stops them from going on ventures around the wilderness lol. Also if cops take forever, and im sure its probable considering youd be calling for the to respond basically to an empty or wooded lot so are you willing to confront them? Might not be the best idea for several reasons.
Fencing and training
Fencing is good, with barbed wire is OK, but don't use razor wire, first I'll almost guarantee you'll get cut badly putting it up, best installed by experts, second, I think there could be some additional liability using razor wire. We had that stuff where I used to work, ours was special type that would break away and roll up on you if you tried to scale it, really nasty stuff. It was a high security site.
didn't want to use it along the outer fence but rather just around the perimeter of where the plants are as a last defense.
I think the best you can do in that situation is put the best fence you can around the grow and house dogs inside the grow. That can present issues too but I don’t see cameras or alarms helping if you or authorities wont/ can’t respond
I can see hitting a tripwire and a loud alarm going off as scarring someone off the land with cameras too.