secret to fat buds


Active Member
Hi guys. This is a typical plant of mine which is almost done flowering (around two months). This one is a straggler from my first grow. The other plants in the pic are just starting flowering. What I want to know is why are my buds not getting fat? My yield was pretty low for the first grow (about an ounce from two large plants - approx. 4ft). Potency is great but not yield. I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forest, 430W Son Agro HPS bulb, ph/temps/humidity are all in normal range, distilled water. The strain is White Rhino from Nirvana-seeds. For ventilation I'm using only a table fan, but the room is fairly well ventilated with a through-the-wall air conditioner/fan. I'm experimenting with various nutes (fox farm and GH). Any suggestions/advice much appreciated.


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Well-Known Member
First of, start cutting the ocean forest with some of their light warrior. About 2 parts ocean to one part light. The ocean forest is really thick and almost muddy, the hummus annd such in the light warrior aerates the soil and the roots will love it. Also I dont see any nutes on your list up there, have you looked into the fox farm line? They are made to work with that soil and produce some serious results


Active Member
Ill try the light warrior - thanks. I'm using Fox Farm nutes for this 2nd grow (big bloom, tiger bloom, cha-ching, open sesame). I have four pots and was planning to do a nute experiment (fox farm on the first, GH nutes on 2nd, Canna or Botanicaire for the 3rd, and the 4th will be a control (no nutes)). On the first grow I used GH nutes and Bio-bloom (sea kelp and molasses). I'd just like to know what is the most likely reason that my yields are so low?

ps. sorry if anyone was expecting to find the secret to fat buds. That's what I want to know. Meant to put a question mark on there.
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Well-Known Member
bump that... u honestly need more lighting. lite fluffy or none dense usually needs more lighting. not jus from top but from all around.


Active Member
I just got the Son Agro 430W HPS a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully the yield on this next grow will be better.


Active Member
Hey buddy.. Can u take your plant outside or in a good kitchen light or something and take some pics?? close up of the bud if you can.. Might be a stupid quesion but are you sure they are female?? I know in some pics it looks like there are some hairs around but the buds look reral scraggly like a male... Also in the group pic there looks to be a lot of shade.. Unless its just the pic you will need to get a bigger area or smaller plants and more reflection..
Suggested tips:
Less plants = more light dispersion= bigger buds and yeild
Make sure your plants are female..
I am on my first grow but i read a lot and i am sure the answer for you is more light..
Best of luck.. post those pics of a close up bud if you can..


Active Member
Here are some more pics. These are all female clones from the first grow. I'm sure they're not males or hermies. There are two or three plants in each pot and they are lst'ed to try to make an even canope. It's kind of messy I know. Might be too dense. If so I'll prune or remove some of them. Any comments/questions/advice welcome - thanks



Active Member
u honestly need more lighting. lite fluffy or none dense usually needs more lighting. not jus from top but from all around
Just ordered some mylar. Maybe I'll put in some cfls lower down too - thanks


Well-Known Member
with a 430 w hps you should have more than 1 ounce, ive seen people get 3 oz from a 150hps! Are your plants in complete darkness during the dark period?


Active Member
Yeah, they're in the same room with me and I basically turn off all the lights (except my computer monitor) as well as covering the tub with poly. But next week I'm getting a loft bed which will be perfect for putting a grow room underneath (although possibly reckless if something catches fire). Maybe put a smoke alarm in, come to think of it. A year from now I will be dialed in, I think. Lot of trial and error the first few grows, especially when you can't be bothered to rtfm carefully enough. Just took a sample so I'm a little chatty right now lol:weed:


Active Member
Best thing i can recommend is to read a lot of these posts and look around on sites for tips and try google "a complete guide to growing marijuana". You can learn a lot from reading other peoples posts..

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
yeah man- something doesnt seem right with these plants to be honest... Kinda thin all around, skinny stems- skinny buds- have u tried molasses, and i dont think more nutes are necissarilly the answer- I dont use a lot of nutes, other than good soil, feed the soil not the plant... And are you overwatering? once every 2-3 days should be good... even less in the last weeks... How long did you veg them...

And that computer screen is a problem- if you can see your hand in front of your face at arms length- its too bright- and any screen will put out some light- only light a dark time plant can have is green spectrum light, green incandescents...

IDK i will check back

Hoping the best for you...

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I think you have them over crowded. Better planning on the front end next time may serve you better. I don't think you are getting enough light penetration.


Active Member
yeah man- something doesnt seem right with these plants to be honest... Kinda thin all around, skinny stems- skinny buds- have u tried molasses, and i dont think more nutes are necissarilly the answer- I dont use a lot of nutes, other than good soil, feed the soil not the plant... And are you overwatering? once every 2-3 days should be good... even less in the last weeks... How long did you veg them...

I will take some more pics today after they wake up. They do look scrawny in that pic but I think you are seeing mostly leaf stems and not stalks. Yes I'm using molasses. Definitely not overwatering - I water only when the soil is very dry which right now is every six days (maybe not watering enough?). I never wait for them to droop though. They will get thirstier toward the end of course. I vegged them from cuttings for about a month.

And that computer screen is a problem- if you can see your hand in front of your face at arms length- its too bright- and any screen will put out some light- only light a dark time plant can have is green spectrum light, green incandescents...

They are pretty well covered. I put another tub over the bottom tub and cover it with poly.
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Active Member
think these are fat ?

They look very lush. Think I will be going aero next time as well. Do you have any pics of your plants at the end of flowering?
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Well-Known Member
think these are fat ?

They look very lush. Think I will be going aero next time as well. Do you have any pics of your plants at the end of flowering?

Nope as you see it is how it is right now ( well yesterday) . I'll take pic's along the way ...