Well-Known Member
Enough about growing, let's talk about your adorable dog for a minute! Super super cute. I want a husky sooo bad!!! After losing my last sheep dog and my boxer I didn't want another dog because I took em both pretty hard. But my wife brought home a chiuaua/pug mutt puppy that one of her bar regulars neighbors left behind when they moved out. And I was sucked into dog world all over again. Now we've got two little guys but I miss having a big dog and I want one I can take out with me in the winter. After we move this spring into a bigger place I'm gonna start looking for one that'll get along with my little guys.
Believe it or not Huskies are great with other animals there far from aggressive.,But they like to run an work so be prepared most owners of Huskies end up getting rid of them because there runners plain n simple .
They need to be worked and exercised lots . So be prepared
My guy is old
so stay at home kinda of a dog now but trust me many times i pulled my hair trying to get him back when i let him lose in his younger days .. but he is a blast and loves winter you will never get him into the house if there is snow on the ground i just leave side door garage open for him for his water n food he sleeps everywhere in the yard and loves chasing birds
First picture is front yard he will sit there all day long other dogs walk by or people he will just look can't be bothered haha unleashed ..

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