Check the construction before buying.
I don't know if they make all there tents the same but there was a guy posting some youtube vids on here about 4 month ago and the bottom line was they were unsafe. On the ones he was showing the upright poles connected differently than most, most interlock into each other, but the SJ ones basically butted up to each other and then a metal sleeve slid over to keep them there, but the metal sleeve would fall down which meant there was nothing holding the poles together and they collapsed. Meaning you lights would fall straight to the ground and set fire to your room.
I didn't really believe it could be true but looked into it and shockingly it was.
But like I say, not sure if all there tents are constructed in the same way. All my tents (not SJ) have interlocking poles which literally cant fall apart, shit they are hard enough to take apart when you want to!
If its a case of limed space and they make the only 3x5 tent in the world then perhaps the uprights could be changed to a single length of copper pipe of the same thickness , but if you have other options I would explore those first.