Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg


Well-Known Member
That's what is weird to me, a cup per gallon used to be more than enough... I always thought it wasn't enough but the few times I did 3 cups for 2 gallons it was too much. After that 1 cup per gallon always seemed to be just right. I also poke the soil to loosen it up before watering, it seems to help absorb the water faster than usual. I'll try giving them more water per feeding and see if that helps. My plan is to be able to feed until the last 5 days before harvest and do one single flush. Delilah #5 seems to be taking it well and looking more and more like Delilah #1, she still has about 10 days left, maybe a few more depending on how much the 24 hour shut down effected growth


Well-Known Member
That's what is weird to me, a cup per gallon used to be more than enough... I always thought it wasn't enough but the few times I did 3 cups for 2 gallons it was too much. After that 1 cup per gallon always seemed to be just right. I also poke the soil to loosen it up before watering, it seems to help absorb the water faster than usual. I'll try giving them more water per feeding and see if that helps. My plan is to be able to feed until the last 5 days before harvest and do one single flush. Delilah #5 seems to be taking it well and looking more and more like Delilah #1, she still has about 10 days left, maybe a few more depending on how much the 24 hour shut down effected growth
I feed up to 3 days prior to drowning my plant and it comes out smoother than flushing for 2 weeks with plain water. But I am sure it has something to do with me flushing my plant every time I feed them. Plus I drown my plants prior to cutting. I need to come over man, just been really busy with family issues. I need to show you how to Flush Feed your plants instead of Making It Rain (Since you hate that song) LOL

Just keep in mind that a flush is always good to get rid of any build ups from nutes which can create a lockout later down the line....
Seems like things are back on track with your grow, I am very happy you got that fixed and taken care of, hopefully some pics are coming soon.....

Peace Bro.



Well-Known Member
I've been doing the flush every week or so during flower for months but after doing some reading I'm convinced there is no reason why a plant shouldn't be able to go all the way to harvest without a single flush, except for the one before harvest. This is just something new I'm trying and so far the plants don't seem to be complaining. I've been really tempted to flush them lately just because it was my routine and I'm not a big fan of change. But from what I can see the plants seem to be doing just fine. Delilah #5 has less than 12 days left on her so I'll probably nute her tonight, PB bloom in 2 days then do a single flush 5 days before harvest. I'm going to do the same with the Power Skunk #2, she seems to be doing way better this time without the spider mites feeding on her :weed:

You're welcome over any time, I have a White Russian we can experiment on, I'd love to get this girl as big as possible since I don't plan on keeping the strain around :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sorry, it was a free sample nutrient that BC got at an expo and I have been using it from the moment I put them into soil. The label on the back says to use it all the way through harvest but lately I'm only using it between the flower nutrients I use and during veg

Here's a pic of the label


Active Member
Are you liking it? I've been eyeing a bottle of the PB:Grow every time I go to the store. The price seems right and was thinking I'd just use it as a supplement during veg to the PBP:B I've been using from the start just to get a little more slow-release nitrogen in the picture as needed (if that makes sense).


Well-Known Member
I like both that one and Pro Gro, they both seemed to be good from the start. The plants always stayed nice and green so I can't complain. I will probably buy either Pro Gro or this one again when I run out, like you said, the price seems right :leaf:


Active Member
Guess I'm going to have to give it a try since I'll have about a half-bottle of PBP:B left over from this grow and I can mix it with the PB:G to get through veg and stretch without any waste for next grow. Oh by the way, if anyone else does both soil and hydro - no issues with using the PBP:B soil formula in DWC so far. Last two reservoir changes I've used it at max strength and the plants haven't skipped a beat, no issues.


Well-Known Member
That northern skunk should be due for a transplant, I guarantee its bound by now. Everything else is looking good and green, glad to see no signs of bugs anymore :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it is but there's no room right now so it'll have to wait at least another week... That whole top shelf should have 2 less Sour OG's and be where the BK98 and PE#4 are, those 2 should be in flower. Looks like I'll have 2 BK98 clones ready for soil in less than a week along with a Pineapple Express and Delilah. Been thinking about reconfiguring my veg room to make room for more plants, from seedlings to the one's getting ready to flower.

I did spot a few more spider mites today in both tents, I ran the NPS in the flower tent for about 4 hours today, I'm probably going to pick up another one and run one in each tent a few hours a day until they are completely gone.

EDIT: I just pulled up the Northern Skunk and there is still a lot of soil left at the bottom. I didn't transplant it from the small cup it came in to the red cup right away so it hadn't really been in there that long. I'm probably going to cancel that PE clone next to it since it seems mold took over it, I was hoping it'd pull through but it's just taking up space at this point. I'll probably transplant that NS into one of those small veg pots tomorrow. I'm going to need room soon for those other clones that are starting to root...


Well-Known Member
I ended up cancelling my PE#7, it wasn't showing any growth and it was just taking up space. I was able to make room to transplant the NS into a bigger pot, here are her roots.


In about a week when Delilah #5 and Power Skunk #2 are done I'm going to start BK98 and PE#4 on 12/12. That'll free up space to transplant 2 Sour OG's into bigger pots. After Delilah #5 and PS#2 get chopped my next harvest won't be until the end of April....PE#5 and #6 should be about 11-12 weeks vegged by then :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I forgot you got the NS in a blue cup, makes sense why it wasnt bound yet. Sucks to hear about the PE you had to cull. How much does the PE stretch in flower?


Well-Known Member
It's hard to say because the first 2 didn't stretch much at all but this third one at least doubled in size, if not more. If you look at this pic that's about the same height I started PE#3 on 12/12



Well-Known Member
I started one seed and all of the PE's have come from her or her clones, but it's pretty much the same pheno. If you look at PE#5 and PE#6 they look completely different, one has fatter leave's than the other but they are only about 3 days apart in age. Can't wait to grow them side by side. BC99 and BKB both have clones from the same strain, if you check out BC99s previous update he has one that looks more like PE#6 than PE#5. The first 2 PE's had fat leave's and stayed short, this last one has thinner sativa like leave's and has stretched way more than the first two.

So I couldn't help it and after a few beers, I ended up flushing a few plants today, they probably didn't need it but since it has been such a routine I couldn't resist, plus I'm super bored. Luckily I was able to see a big difference between flushing a plant in a smart pot vs. a geo pot. The smart pot seemed to hold water much longer than the geo pot but the geo pot is taller and takes up less space. I'll have to put PE#5 and #6 in one of each and flower them side by side to see if there's a difference :weed: