Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg


Well-Known Member
I don't think you've asked. I used to play a lot but not at all lately.

My friends set up a 5:45am tee time today, golf is one of the very few things I would wake up that early for :D


Well-Known Member
Lucky man! Mine is still - Origin Post is Preparing Shipment. :-( What day and time did you order roughly?

See I'm feeling the same pain as your wife waiting for her puppy now. I just want my seeds. :-)


Well-Known Member
It was Friday morning, probably between 10am and noon because I put the order in right after I waked and baked and watched Pineapple Express, lol


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm exactly two days behind you, hopefully. :-)

Such a funny movie, the shop has it here, time to watch it. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I wanted to buy Hot Tub Time Machine but since we hadn't seen it my wife didn't let me, now everyone at her work is quoting the movie and she feels left out and wants to see it, lol


Well-Known Member
I took 2 cuttings from JH3 and put them in the cloner, hope to see roots in the next 2 weeks. I want to donate them to the collective I go
One of them officially has 2 quarter inch roots :D NONE of the other one's show signs of roots and some of them are beginning to yellow a bit...

Hahahahaha, I've heard it was pretty good, haven't seen it though unfortunately.
I'm gonna check out the near by Red Boxes and see if I can rent it, I've been wanting to watch it, looks funny as hell


Well-Known Member
Good shit man! Still only one of mine rooted, wish I had my camera to update and show you.

I'm off at fucking 2AM, so if you find it at RedBox let me know I'll pick it up on my way home.


Well-Known Member
Those things are hit or miss, when they weren't so popular you could easily get any new release, now people are getting word of it and we almost always can't find something worth renting... I'd say just drop by one and hope it's there. If I can't rent it I'm probably just going to buy it, I have a good feeling about it, lol :D


Well-Known Member
Seeds are here :)

Not much to update besides that... New puppy in the house is taking up all my free time, lol

How's your compouter machnak?


Well-Known Member
Better, just restored it. Luckily it backed up at 12:00 AM the day before. :-)

If you haven't, I would buy some stuff called Bitter Spray for the puppy if she starts chewing. Spray it on anything you don't want to be eaten by the pup. My dog flooded 1/4 of my apartment by chewing on the toilet hose...wasn't braided stainless steel either...just plastic. That was a fun day!

My seeds are in Vegas, but not my mailbox. :-(


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip, I'll have to look it up

So far so good, just the usual pee and poop where he shouldn't. Today is only his 3rd day with us :D


Well-Known Member
No but I have a second shipment that's on it's way and I have no idea what it is or could be. I checked my card statement and I only submitted a single order, my account on their site only shows one order also. I guess I'll find out what it is if and when it gets here.


Well-Known Member
From Attitude? I did the guarantee shipping with a t shirt for the second time with no problems...

As long as Attitude keeps coming through they have a customer for life :D


Well-Known Member
Yes from attitude, I DID NOT GUARANTEE ANYTHING, any it still came. :-) I know I know....but I wanted to see if I'd still get it. I always guarantee though.

Yea, the bag was only like .92 Cents or something I bought it to make my order over the 15 Pounds or whatever it was you had to spend.

Anyways, didn't get it. :-(

Attitude is the tits.