Secret Jardin Dark Room 120


Active Member
Hi all I need to buy a new grow tent and there's not many options here in Australia. Besides the cheaper generic brands like lighthouse and virtual sun my only options appear to be the dr120 and a new tent with no reviews called the bloomerang jungleroom. I originally found an ebay seller who had the growlab tent (has good reviews) so I purchased that but he has run out and replaced them with the bloomerang jungleroom.

I've heard some dr120's suck and are of awful quality. I heard the new rev 2.5 model has picked up it's game and is once again of good quality but the seller doesn't have 2.5 he only has revision 2.1 which worries me. Does anyone know if the 2.1 were the crap models?

And what do you guys think of that jungleroom? It looks great but I haven't heard anything about it I'm afraid to spend that much on an unestablished brand.

Any advice would be much appreciated!! cheers


New Member
I use the 120 and it's brilliant. It's worth the extra few pounds because you're getting a quality product. Depending on time I can either grow one HUGE girl or 6 decent girls in this tent


I have both 2.1 and 2.5 model. The 2.5 is slightly stronger and the water proof removable tray is made of reflextive fabric. Both models are awesome.