Secret grow room


Hello this is my first test grow, looking for any kind advice :peace:.

I went to a local super store and was thinking alot about a design, i only want to experiment with one plant before i put time into the next. Learn all the faults etc.

So as i was looking around for a cupboard or some kind of storage / hidden object to store and make a mini grow room, I couldnt find alot, wasnt much and not in my price range.
After about an hr i went on to looking for lights and would come back to decide the hidden room object. As im making my way around the lighting section i see that i cannot just buy a power cord with light socket in the other end, so i bought a $20 lamp, is perfect. Then on i go to lighting now i dont have my phone on me so i couldnt actually figure out how much light i needed.. and also i pondered how people have been caught growing weed by extreme electricity bills etc.. so here i am looking at a giant wall of light bulbs, going through memories of peoples grow rooms and also the realization that i don't want to get caught with excessive electrical usage.. Then i came across this guy

Philips 12W MasterLED Warm White (2700k) B22 Bayonet 240V Dimmable Globe

Not only energy saving but led and bright as hell, i couldnt resist, plus beams all over the place.

It was then i decided on my grow mini room.. as im walking and thinking of which cupboard i wanted i bumped into this:

Much taller, this one is tiny but exactly the same.. could this be my secret grow room? i think yes.

I got home with these three objects, i smashed the lamp and removed the chord was perfect, then i punched a hole in the top lid of the bin and the light blub socket fit perectly!! light is being constantly reflected, bright as the sun in there and not hot at all.

So now i an armature, am germinating some bush seeds to test this out, also i have seeds from sea of seeds on their way in the mail, a whole bunch, so i dont want to fuck them up. So please my fellow growers, please give me your wonderful and priceless knowledge and feed back, i only want to grow one plant, home use.

Appreciate any input. Peace to all:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Led 2700k lamp may or may not work good... it should cost you 25-30 cents a day to run it...
Your next light for veg should be a 6500k better for veg...
Good Luck man, you gotta start some where...
Once that plant does grow, you might want to stick some ONA gel in/around your grow box, unless you vent/clean air it, it will smell...


Hey Spiffsta,

Agree with above comment you should use 6500k for vegging, but if you only wanted to use one spectrum the 2700k is the better choice IMO as its best for flowering.
I wouldn't worry about being caught because of you elec. bill, I use a 400w HPS and have been doing so for ages and its fine. I would suggest on that note grab a few more bulbs with higher wattages, as your use CFL your bill wont be a problem so grab a few bigger bulbs and you should be sweet :)

On the topic of lights if you dont have enough, even in the small space your buds will be light and fluffy with little weight so maybe even invest in a bigger grow area, maybe check out so of the rubbermaid grows on here, I think they would be good for you. Can add more lights, a few fans for fresh air and keeping it cool and due to that grow some bigger and better bud.

Keep us posted on how it goes, also add some pics to see what its like, would love to have a look.


Cheers guys, yeh this is a test item for sure.

I actually went to a hydroponics store and bought a bag of clay balls, net bucket to hold them in Art4_image020.jpg, a square wool like thing to hold my plant and a air stone/air pump. I want to do this properly.

On that note the kind man i told my design to without being obvious of what it was, told me hes never come across that kind of lighting for growing, so now i feel kinda stupid for trying to be smart haha. I might even grab a globe down the store now, as i have had the germinated seeds under light for 48 hrs and nothing peeking.

Also i think the light might need to be lowered from the lid to hanging above the pot.

Another thought, can i put my seeds in the whool sqaure, then put that in the bucket of clay balls then put it in the bucket of bubbles?.. while their coming out of their seeds can they get wet? pictures soon


Well-Known Member
As for what you're running throwing any major red flags.. you'd have to break 7500W to even come close to it, as they'd probably contact you and ask you if you wanted to upgrade your residence to a business account for $ savings.. hahaha