Second Week of veg issues.


Well-Known Member
lower to 300 and hope for the best

they are severely stressed and 1-2 week recovery will determine their fate :)

that's all you can do


Well-Known Member
lower to 300 and hope for the best

they are severely stressed and 1-2 week recovery will determine their fate :)

that's all you can do
Again mate.
new growth is doing well.

They are not dying at all.

Hope for the best.

Im sorry but where are you getting this info from?

I believe you are not listening.

If you can see the roots there were none last week and now alot.

New shutes. If they were dying they they would be dead and stopped growing.

Ill take what your saying into concideration.



Well-Known Member
""" im sorry but where are you getting this info from?
I believe you are not listening.""

say wot lol

your pics speak volumes and your lack of listening is bizzare trippy.

i said this right from the start, if you had listened to me you wouldnt be in this mess .

300ppm and leave <<< LEAVE !! to recover trippy or i am going to hang myself :) ok :)

leave to recover 300 ppm


Well-Known Member
""" im sorry but where are you getting this info from?
I believe you are not listening.""

say wot lol

your pics speak volumes and your lack of listening is bizzare trippy.

i said this right from the start, if you had listened to me you wouldnt be in this mess .

300ppm and leave <<< LEAVE !! to recover trippy or i am going to hang myself :) ok :)

leave to recover 300 ppm
I had it at 300 PPM for over a week and guess what?
I got even more defiencies I upped it to 600 and most went away.

I dotn see how lowering it will help them recover at thsi age mate.

Only issue im having withyour advice is that its the only advice I get and that lowering the PPM when no nute burn is present. It looks liek Magnesum def.

Ill put it to 300PPM again but last time all it did was harm them.


Well-Known Member
300PPM is seedling stage. Seeing as I am in hydro 300 would only make it worse.

You have given some descent and soem not so descent advice.

All I was asking is whats with the coloring.

My plants are growing fine. Regards


Well-Known Member
Reduce to 300 total for a week or so, as soon plant recover, start increasing slowly, maybe 100 PPM every week, but keep an eye on your plants, if you see tips of your fan leaves are changing in colour that will mean your concentration is too high again.
You can actually know exactly whether concentration is too high or too low.
Every time you topping up your water reservoir, take reading of pH and PPM.
Here is a formula when you compare changes
pH goes up, PPM goes down - plant up-taking greater ratio of nutrients to water. That means PPM concentration must be increased.
pH goes down, PPM goes up - plant up-taking greater ratio of water to nutrients , In this case PPM concentration must be decreased.
pH and PPM stays the same - plant up-taking perfect ratio of water and nutrients, no changes needed.

Keep your reservoir 100% light proof and at 18-22 degrees Celsius, and change water in the reservoir weekly and you should have no problems.


Well-Known Member
I had it at 300 PPM for over a week and guess what?
I got even more defiencies I upped it to 600 and most went away.

I dotn see how lowering it will help them recover at thsi age mate.

Only issue im having withyour advice is that its the only advice I get and that lowering the PPM when no nute burn is present. It looks liek Magnesum def.

Ill put it to 300PPM again but last time all it did was harm them.
It's totally your choice, I am only giving an advice, because I am not seeing how this little stressed plants may experience a deficiency from all this PPM you giving it.


Well-Known Member
The discoloration is due to you under feeding and under watering from seed.
the yellowing wont come back green , the new growth will .

if u wont take my advice ( which is apparently the only advice you've been given ) then take johnnysmith1 advice :)

good luck and keep updating :)

do not top and leaveeeeee to recover at 300ppm

good luck


Well-Known Member
Reduce to 300 total for a week or so, as soon plant recover, start increasing slowly, maybe 100 PPM every week, but keep an eye on your plants, if you see tips of your fan leaves are changing in colour that will mean your concentration is too high again.
You can actually know exactly whether concentration is too high or too low.
Every time you topping up your water reservoir, take reading of pH and PPM.
Here is a formula when you compare changes
pH goes up, PPM goes down - plant up-taking greater ratio of nutrients to water. That means PPM concentration must be increased.
pH goes down, PPM goes up - plant up-taking greater ratio of water to nutrients , In this case PPM concentration must be decreased.
pH and PPM stays the same - plant up-taking perfect ratio of water and nutrients, no changes needed.

Keep your reservoir 100% light proof and at 18-22 degrees Celsius, and change water in the reservoir weekly and you should have no problems.
Alright mate, WIll reduce. Appriciate the help. This will make them green and take away the yelowing correct?


Well-Known Member
The discoloration is due to you under feeding and under watering from seed.
the yellowing wont come back green , the new growth will .

if u wont take my advice ( which is apparently the only advice you've been given ) then take johnnysmith1 advice :)

good luck and keep updating :)

do not top and leaveeeeee to recover at 300ppm

good luck
Ok mate.


Well-Known Member
One thing, the yellow wont go away correct?
You are correct as my PPM goes up which I should lower it.
Will do this.

See howit goes.


Well-Known Member
It's totally your choice, I am only giving an advice, because I am not seeing how this little stressed plants may experience a deficiency from all this PPM you giving it.
True mate, but my confuzion lies in the growth. Seeing as they are growing great without nute burn I assumed it was deficiency.
Ill go to 300PPM
Now will 300PPM slow my growth?

married 2 juanna

Well-Known Member
Hey guys right i need some advice and mine is deffo a defiency of phos or cal but which one would u guys say? I did my homework and red stems indicate phos... Pics attached.... :) I think maybe my soiless medium was out on ph causeing lockout but continued growth and still not looking too bad just dont want the ladies worsen u see... ph goin in is around 6 cant give exact bcos I only have ph liquid colourindication bcos cannot afford a digi yet... 6 cheese clones ive had them 3weeks 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 canna tent with a 4" carbon scrubber filter n tt125 fan for extract.... 4" intake fan for air in... 2 clip on fans one inside blowin around side of tent to disperse hot spots and circulate and one blowing in threw side vent for extra fresh air... 10liter pots... temps 24c to 28c and humidity is between 40 & 50... 1st week had em under a 250w hps 24hrs and then 2weeks 4days under a 600w 18/6hrs at 24inches from plants canopy... hand feeding canna coco a & b at 16mls of each with 6ml of magic plant calmag to 10litres of water... runoffs in coco plus are not consistent anyways and it has buffering agents init doesnt it? they stand at 19inches now growing about 1 to 2 inches a day atm :) plan to flower once sorted this problem out asap as I know phos defiency is not cool in early flower stage and can affect yeild right? why are they having this defiency of rusty spots on leaves? How do i solve this problem? this is my 1st grow btw lol constructive critism welcome and advice pls :) btw trippy id say these guys are right about letting them recover before topping and uping nutes too many stresses goin on there mate.20150428_085127.jpg20150428_084142.jpg 20150428_084227.jpg 20150428_091051.jpg 20150428_085857.jpg 20150428_085127.jpg 20150428_084142.jpg 20150428_084227.jpg 20150428_091051.jpg 20150428_085857.jpg

married 2 juanna

Well-Known Member
Hey guys right i need some advice and mine is deffo a defiency of phos or cal but which one would u guys say? Pics attached.... :) I think maybe my soiless medium was out on ph causeing lockout but continued growth and still not looking too bad just dont want the ladies worsen u see... ph goin in is around 6 cant give exact bcos I only have ph liquid colourindication bcos cannot afford a digi yet... 6 cheese clones ive had them 3weeks 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 canna tent with a 4" carbon scrubber filter n tt125 fan for extract.... 4" intake fan for air in... 2 clip on fans one inside blowin around side of tent to disperse hot spots and circulate and one blowing in threw side vent for extra fresh air... 10liter pots... temps 24c to 28c and humidity is between 40 & 50... 1st week had em under a 250w hps 24hrs and then 2weeks 4days under a 600w 18/6hrs at 24inches from plants canopy... hand feeding canna coco a & b at 16mls of each with 6ml of magic plant calmag to 10litres of water... runoffs in coco plus are not consistent anyways and it has buffering agents init doesnt it? they stand at 19inches now growing about 1 to 2 inches a day atm :) plan to flower once sorted this problem out asap as I know phos defiency is not cool in early flower stage and can affect yeild right? why are they having this defiency of rusty spots on leaves? this is my 1st grow btw lol constructive critism welcome and advice pls :)
One thing, the yellow wont go away correct?
You are correct as my PPM goes up which I should lower it.
Will do this.

See howit goes.
The old leaves will stay the same just aslong as new growth is sweet ya should be sound :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys right i need some advice and mine is deffo a defiency of phos or cal but which one would u guys say? I did my homework and red stems indicate phos... Pics attached.... :) I think maybe my soiless medium was out on ph causeing lockout but continued growth and still not looking too bad just dont want the ladies worsen u see... ph goin in is around 6 cant give exact bcos I only have ph liquid colourindication bcos cannot afford a digi yet... 6 cheese clones ive had them 3weeks 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 canna tent with a 4" carbon scrubber filter n tt125 fan for extract.... 4" intake fan for air in... 2 clip on fans one inside blowin around side of tent to disperse hot spots and circulate and one blowing in threw side vent for extra fresh air... 10liter pots... temps 24c to 28c and humidity is between 40 & 50... 1st week had em under a 250w hps 24hrs and then 2weeks 4days under a 600w 18/6hrs at 24inches from plants canopy... hand feeding canna coco a & b at 16mls of each with 6ml of magic plant calmag to 10litres of water... runoffs in coco plus are not consistent anyways and it has buffering agents init doesnt it? they stand at 19inches now growing about 1 to 2 inches a day atm :) plan to flower once sorted this problem out asap as I know phos defiency is not cool in early flower stage and can affect yeild right? why are they having this defiency of rusty spots on leaves? How do i solve this problem? this is my 1st grow btw lol constructive critism welcome and advice pls :) btw trippy id say these guys are right about letting them recover before topping and uping nutes too many stresses goin on there mate.View attachment 3407192View attachment 3407193 View attachment 3407195 View attachment 3407196 View attachment 3407197 View attachment 3407192 View attachment 3407193 View attachment 3407195 View attachment 3407196 View attachment 3407197
Calcium mate. Add some Cal Mag..


Well-Known Member
Calcium mate. Add some Cal Mag..
how can it be cal def if he's feeding it cal mag ??

pics of your plants trippy first before you start giving advice out thank you.


you sound unsure about your ph ........ Id get that corrected before you do anything else , it could be waaaay out buddy :)

that's all i got sorry :)

married 2 juanna

Well-Known Member
Mainline is correct I am feeding calmag as it is nown that canna coco doesnt have as much calcium and mag in it :) ye was thinking ph but have no meter only liquid indicator mate lol plus I have flushed now with half recommended amount of nutes at ph water of 6 will that correct and doesnt coco plus medium have buffering agents init? Plus im told the ph of run is never correct with this what u reckon I should do too correct it properly... maybe add lime to top soil n water it in to help stabalise ph levels in future? :)


Well-Known Member
Forget the discoloration , those plants have been thru the ringer. Those leaves will either be ok or drop off anyways. Give some time to pull thru what has happened.