Second week of growing in my closet

Ok, I've been growing my first batch for 2 weeks now and they're doing good from what I've read so far, and I can't post pics (damned cell phone won't sync for some reason...) Anyway, they're about 3-4 inches tall and the 2 week period is from when I started germinating them.

I put them in my closet in a kind of dresser thing that had 2 doors and the shelfs in it. I took out the shelfs and only left one in tact which I mounted 5 lights onto and I have 1 light on the bottum pretty much cause I haven't got around to mounting it back, and they've been in that enviroment for about a week and a half. I have about 25 good plants atm in there and I have a box fan on one side taking the hot air out.

Any suggestions?


Active Member
what are the dimensions of your box? i am assuming that you are using cfl since you said you had five in there? since you have 25 plants do you plan to do a SOG or SCRoG grow? soil or hydro?
The demensions are about 3 ft.x 1ft.x 1 1/2 ft. That's going widthxhiegthxlength and I am using cfl's I plan to use soil and move them out of the thing sometime in the next month or 2. I am going to pick out 2 or 3 of the best females and grow them fully the others I am going to get rid of sometime after I've made my decision on which I'm going to keep. Oh and they are all within 1 inch of a light.


Active Member
yeah that is quite a bit of plants for that amount of space. have you grown with cfls before?

you should have at least 5000 lumens per plant in the 5000-6500k range for vegetative growth and for flower you should have the same amount of lumens if not more per plant in the 2700-3000k range. some people like to keep a little bit of the daylight spectrum for flowering as well, up to a 30% amount for ex. 70 watts of 2700-3000k and 30 watts of 5000-6500k. the more lumens you have the better off you are, you may want to turn your box sideways once you have chosen the few you ill grow so that you have 3 ft height and do an lst grow since you will be using cfls. LST (low stress training) is where you gently bend the top of your plant and tie it down numerous times as it successively grows allowing the side branches to grow up towards the light. with this type of growing you get more cola buds and can increase yields in such small spaces. there is a couple of great guides and diagrams on here about LST and SCRoG. scrog (screen of green) is similar to lst as you restrict the height of your plants with a screen of chicken wire (plastic type works better) in order to create an even canopy during vegetative to allow for multiple colas to come through the screen during flowering.
the best way to tell if your lights are close enough is to put them as close as possible while being able to put your hand in between your lights and plants without it burning your hand or feeling too hot. this will give you maximum penetration with the cfls as well as most efficient use of your lumens.


Well-Known Member
I wish you a lot a luck but your plan has some holes in it. lol
Thats a lot of plants. Way to many. It is a dissadvantage for you AND the plants to have so many.
These plants are going to grow faster than you think. In a month or two? 2 monthes of good conditions will make a very large plant. 20 could fill a whole room. They wont show sex for at least 6 weeks unless you flower them.
Keeping only the "best looking females" is not going work out the best. You cant tell just by looking at plants that just turned female which ones are going to be the most productive. Unless you are very experienced at that sort of thing and are familiar with many strains. Thinning the heard before then is a crapshoot.
LST can definitly help you.
But you should have like 4 plants tops.
But don't be the guy who grew 30 plants for 2 weeks then got rid of the "weak" looking ones, and ended up with almost all males because at 2 weeks they were taller.
I'm going to keep growing them until I can at least tell what they are then I'm going to pick the best ones that are female and grow them (only like 2-3)