Second round with BCNL producer, pink kush


Active Member
OOOOHHH OK!! The Bloombox uses the same airstones as the Producer, the 12 inch and it only came with 4. I had an extra airpump at my house but the little wimp can only use 1 airstone, can't even split into two lol, what kind of pumps are you using?
You'll have to forgive me for not remembering the model, and i'm away from my place right now but, basically they are the small blue pumps, dual diaphragm, they sell them at the hydro stores. each one was 35$, each one holds 2 stones. Pretty easy to install, and *so* worth it. Even the extra 1 will help you tonnes... also, the res in the bloombox is smaller than the producer, so expect more bang for your buck when adding more air stones.


Active Member
Day 23 flower:

Hey guys, update with PICS finally.

So, Co2 is finally on as of 2 days ago, vertical growth has come to a halt at a very good time. The shortest plants are 25-27 inches, and the few in the middle are an inch or so from the glass, right around the CFL.

I went in yesterday and completely cleared out the very bottom of the plants, which I was skeptical about... but what an excellent decision that turned out to be!! There was so much used up fan leaf and dead plant matter that I cleared out... Can you say mold?? I left 3-5 branches on each plant including the cola. I just used my judgement on which branches to leave based on bud sights, and light exposure.

PPM is about 1200-1300, plants are drinking it up and looking great. Roots look perfect to me even after all the carbo load and whatnot i'm throwing at them. Hoping for some nice fat buds. Everything is as planned. Would like to get humidity down to 40, but I'll take 50 with the new airflow for now. Below you can see the pics of the plants, roots, and the bin filled with all the branches I removed :) quite a bit!!



Active Member
I have made a terrible error in judgement. I was late for work, and in my early-morning haze, I decided to eye out how much pH down to go into my res, and simply tipped it into the res from the bottle directly. My plants spent about 30 hours at a pH of about 4. Almost all of the top-most leaves of every plant are either completely crispy and white, or are speckled yellow. Total nutrient deficiency. I've changed out the res, and will never do this again, but I hope this silly error in judgement doesn't lay waste to an otherwise outstanding grow.


They sure look great, they so healthy their recovery time should me minimal. I started doing something someone else suggested, keep some pre ph balanced 5.0 water in a couple 2L bottles in the fridge and add as necessary to balance ph in a rush.
Everything looks very good. sorry to hear about the problem. I just recently picked up a producer, we just got underway and i have a few questions. First off when the lights are on when the box is in flowering mode ( two upper lights) does in inside of the box where the plants are get very warm? Also about how far away from the resi water are the bottom of the net basket supposed to be? and how did you promote good root growth other that the additional air which is a great idea, you do not need to metal air re directors that are on the back of the box.

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
I'm really on the edge of buying one of these or just making a great replica of one for cheap! I've always been an outdoor grower but the BC Bloombox sounds pretty cool! How much do you think you're gonna yield at harvest?!


Active Member
I'm really on the edge of buying one of these or just making a great replica of one for cheap! I've always been an outdoor grower but the BC Bloombox sounds pretty cool! How much do you think you're gonna yield at harvest?!

Not much dude, probably about as much as last time (maybe a half #). The buds are white with crystal but the yield on these genetics just sucks. No big colas just little chunks all over the place. This is terribly unfortunate because I trimmed the hell out of these plants in preparation for huge colas to prevent bud rot. I should have just left all the branching on !!! But, this is what happens when working with unknown genetics. Oh well!!! I'll post harvest pics, but im off this thread till then.


Active Member
They sure look great, they so healthy their recovery time should me minimal. I started doing something someone else suggested, keep some pre ph balanced 5.0 water in a couple 2L bottles in the fridge and add as necessary to balance ph in a rush.
Yea thanks man, i'm doing hte same thing now... what I did was just out of sheer laziness and carelessness, which is totallllllly not like me in this endeavour. Learnt a good lesson though. It's amazing how 2 minutes of laziness can come close to compromising a 2-3 month run. Very, very stupid. I now do the same thing with the pH because I dont like adding the acid directly to the root mass, too sketchy.

I also want to quickly comment on the gentleman's above post on deciding whether or not to buy this machine. I would advise certainly against buying new, but would strongly recommend buying second hand. The $5,000 machine isn't perfect. It is not odour proof, it is not light proof (from the inside out), and it won't teach a noobie how to not be a noob, but, it will take a lot of the guess work out and give you an excellent template to learn on. However, in hindsight, building my own DWC tub in a closet would have been a much better start for me. I'd help any noobie build their own DWC in a blink of an eye because of what i've gone through free of charge. I've had to buy an A/C unit, a seperate filter for smells, a seperate set of air pumps because of lackluster water/oxygen levels, duct the lighting out of the room, etc. It's not nearly the all in one unit it's advertised to be, not by any stretch of imagination. If you can leave every door in your home open, a window open in the room the box is in, isn't summer time, and don't get unlucky, then it *might* work as advertised, but it is what it is. If you look up any other, and i mean ANY other, BCNL user on this forum, you'll find what i'm saying is pretty consistent. It just isn't any good without some good preparation and modification.

Thanks for tuning in guys.


agree on the post above this pricy machine has a lot of extra parts needed to keep machine running good some extra parts i have also needed to buy is a 400$ portable air conditioner unit, stand alone can fan carbon filter, ducting had to make whole threw walls to vent properly because u HAVE to vent outside the room no matter what a water chiller is also a must have because water temperture cannot be to hot i would have wish somebody could have told me this before i spent 4000 on the f@&~ing producer its a great machine but any one can set there own growbox tent or whatever for maybe less than half the price and this thing is no stealth by any means its huge and noticible would deffinately gone another route if u thinking of getting one do alot of research on it try google and google bcnl grows i have spent over 1000 trying to tweek machine up and many wholes to cut