Second Round - All or Nothing!!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lookin good man. tho i have to say my first thought was same as mr west, seed form psychosis!?!?!? where where!!! im kinda thinking i might have a go at reversing the sex of the psycho and livers with that coloidal silver carry on.


Active Member
lookin good man. tho i have to say my first thought was same as mr west, seed form psychosis!?!?!? where where!!! im kinda thinking i might have a go at reversing the sex of the psycho and livers with that coloidal silver carry on.
dunno mate, it came in a baggie with psycho written on it so could b anythin i guess


Active Member
ive just repotted the JTR, BC, and Psycho?? lol, the root systems on all 3 were immense already, wish i could of taken pics but the light is too intense


Active Member
jus been in and potted up the last WW and MP2. MP2's root system was brilliant with roots coming out of the jiffy pellet all the way round.

the others are doing really well and even better since i repotted the BC and JTR, the psycho??? which i have decided not to call her MP3, i will be calling her GT1.

the BL is looking really good, since i topped her the new growth is coming through nicely, think she will end up having 8 colas, hope i can tie them up ok!! lol. she does have some mutant leaves tho will take pics 2moro to show u all.

i have 10 plants in total now and love everyone like they were my children, i cant wait for the day im chuffin something ive grown......


Active Member
i need to change my signiture but everytime i do riu says BB code too long, the only way i have got it not to say it is to put nothing in lol


Active Member
its not a link i want to put in, i jus want :leaf:GreenThumb2k10:leaf: but it wont let me, i want to do it as its spelt wrong at the min.


Active Member
fuckin PO PO jus been hovering over the house for a good few minutes, i hope they find who they looking for, and that they didnt see any unusal heat spots coming from my house.