Second Round - All or Nothing!!!!


Active Member

i have potted the babies and given them their first drink

also dancingmaddog asked me to look after a couple of his WW plants, they are monsters lol

so thats my latest update hope u like what u see, any comments welcome

stay high

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lookin fine n dandy man maybe a little more N in the diet for the yellowing ? whats teh dfancinmaddog plant looks like some crazy sativa bush


Active Member
was very nice mr west.

the JTR accidently fell on some scissors and got all cut up, so i thought id better dry it lol will let u all know weight and post pics when its dry


Well-Known Member
was very nice mr west.

the JTR accidently fell on some scissors and got all cut up, so i thought id better dry it lol will let u all know weight and post pics when its dry
lol, iv'e had some pretty crazy "accidents" that a branch or two had to be removed. But they never fell on the scissors, lol. enjoy


Active Member
Nah not fems, the ww were out of a deal I got from a friend, the HB were donated by mr west and the bag seed ones were out of street deals but it was good weed so am gonna try n grow it better. Am calling it NW. This bcoz I got it off someone called Nikki so calling it nikki's weed.
4 or 5 pages in................

mr west

Well-Known Member
so has anybody found out yet? ahhh i remember now its Nikki's weed lmao. Good old memory lol


Active Member
so the JTR is pretty much dry, i have weighed it in at 35g which im quite pleased with, its proper sticky and smells sweetly of lemons, nice taste to it and a nice buzz, will be alot better after a cure.