Second mmj grow


Well-Known Member
every thing looks good so far, do you have a specific question or something, fire away i'll help all i can, i have a double stalk plant as well and so far she's a beast here's a pic 2.5 weeks old
nice lookin plants mine are only 11 days old:weed:, got some more pics to show they seem to be growing really quik, the small plant in the bag is a top im tryin to clone its still nice an healthy lookin after 10 days hope it roots it would be my first succes at cloning, i also topped like 5 or six main shoots for more and im wondering if i should tie down as it grows or let it grow for awhile then tie down height isnt an issue just want more bud sites:joint: oh and a pic of a huge blunt i rolled with the weed from my last harvest:joint:



Well-Known Member
Plants look good! Its not that its a bad journal. People just wanna see flowering bud porn. Im in a few journals (including yours). It always seems to pick up once u switch to flower. Hope the 2x stalk is a beast! Subscribed. + rep to u:)


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, ya i figured once their was some flowering going on id get more replys and help and what not, i put like 10 ladybugs on my plants to clear up any mites i missed and their all gone now abou half of the ladybugs are still their and now im gettin small holes in some leafs like a bug was chewin on it, but i have no bugs except knats and the lbgs, so my question is will ladybugs start to eat my plant when their is nothin else in the room to eat or is this the knats


Well-Known Member
got some more pics and these plants are growing like half inch a day its really picking up speed, some pics are from underneath the plant but those pics arent that great and some more pics of the progress of the plants, the one i planted in 3 dollor soil really seems to have a slower growth rate as compared to the one in faxfarm, but its still doing really well, if any one can give me onfo on if i should trim all the underneath or leave it not sure what to do cuz its not getting light underneith, i also took another small branch to try to clone hope it works and aslo will a lil bit of hydrgen peroxide help aireate the soil cuz one plant has really shitty soil cuz im low on funds:weed: any advice info, or comments are always welcome thnks

also a pick of what i use to tie down



Well-Known Member
got more pics, i watered with water and neem oil tday i heard the neem will help control the gnat larva in the soil if thir is any cuz their is gnats in their, and the 2 stalked plant has roots growing out the bottom inonly 14 days it doesnt seem to be rootbound and is still veruy healthy, i also decide to try the homade co2 with yeast and sugar and it seems to be working cuz i can feel and hear the gas coming out the end of the straw, dont know how much this will effect the plants but might as well try seein as i have no cash and this way is free, also my plants areshowing pre flowers, i new they were female but their was no white hairs on them and now their is:weed:



Well-Known Member
Hey bro, I'll be watching too. Hope you get those bugs figured out. I guess they can really mess things up. I would be mad at the person who gave them to me. Messes up your whole grow space.

I gave my plants powdery mildew this grow... so I'm mad at myself. :evil:

Like another guy said earlier... is you want advise about anything in particular just ask.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, I'll be watching too. Hope you get those bugs figured out. I guess they can really mess things up. I would be mad at the person who gave them to me. Messes up your whole grow space.

I gave my plants powdery mildew this grow... so I'm mad at myself. :evil:

Like another guy said earlier... is you want advise about anything in particular just ask.
well i took care of the mites the first couple of days still no sign so their wiped out but stiil got the lady bugs in to help prevent now, and the knats dont seem to be doing damag yet but i want them gone before i do. also i woke up this morning and found some small brown marks on some of the leafs and they felt soft, i know it snot mold by the colorand its the leaf thats brown nothng on top of leaves, the leaves almost feel like its way to humid in the room all soft and shit but its not that humid in their, i would post a pic of it but i have a shity camera phone that wont get a clear pic any info on this soft brown spotting would be appreicated also its only on one plant the one with the roots growin ou the bottom:weed:



Well-Known Member
ok today was shity the powert went out at 11 am and didnt come back on till 6 30 pm and my plants were in complete dark for about one hour before i took them out and put in window seal lght, until night fell then i used a combo of flashlights and candles to keep the plants in the light, i also am having somthing go oj with one of my plants some of the leafs about halfway up the plant are turnin pale and half like lil brown spots on them only on the yellow ones though i looked in a book and it looks to be phosphorus def but im not sure,i watered it today with 2 teaspoons faoxfarm grow big and 1 teaspoon tigerbloom got some pics also but again their not the greates i tried to get some pics of the pale leaves they should stick out, also how much do u think i will yeild if i were to flower in the next week:weed:



Well-Known Member
Sucks about the power. I can't really tell what the yellowing is... but it doesn't look too bad... I wouldn't worry too much unless it keeps getting worse and spreading to more leaves.

It's weird all your leaves look like they only have 3 blades. Are those just the older ones? Is the new growth more normal?

Are you pH adjusting the water/ nutrients?

Depending on how much they grow the next week, I think an ounce or 1.5 ounce max from each pot... and that's with things perfect and a ton of light.


Well-Known Member
yes thier 3 blaede but their startin to come out with five, and it does seem to spread but only on the leaves it was already on, and yes i always check ph on water and my water with nutes added always around 6.5, should i try flushing in the next couple of ays if it continues, and thanks on the estimate i was aimin for 1 oz and wanting anyting over that would be cool the more the merrier


Well-Known Member
here some better pics of the messed up leaves thier better then the last but not by much it seems to slowly progress to a brown color



Well-Known Member
so im sure i figured the prob and its phosphorus def cuz my soils ph is way to low so im happy to have fih=gured it out (hopefull) ill see some improvement, its hard to change ph though cuz i donr have money to by upper and downer


Well-Known Member
There are natural things that raise and drop soil pH. I think baking soda lowers it and cinimon raises it.

Do a search... you probably have stuff around the house that might work.

I'm glad you found the problem, hopefully.


Well-Known Member
ya i was usin the baking soda to up the ph but im gonna get some ph upper and downer, also if my oil ph runoff is phed at 4 how to i raise that just water with water that has a higher ph